Example sentences of "[det] [noun] and i [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mike Morley says I have always refuted that allegation and I still do .
2 I ask him to come down for a few days and I also invite Lady De Marr .
3 Erm what it is we 're a press agency working for the national papers and about eighteen months ago we did Em Emma 's story for the Sunday People erm and now I 've just seen the Evening Mail today erm and I 've got , you know the how she 's grown nine inches in the past eighteen months , er and just thought the story might er might take another outing and I just wondered if it was possible f for you to help us contact her er her mother at all ?
4 Well I 'm conscious we kept you a long time this time this morning and I certainly do appreciate your attendance and presence .
5 And one thing we will learn from it I think , if we 're honest with ourselves , and we put , and try and save up and have a piece on the end there , but the one thing I think we will perhaps come to , and the one conclusion we may come to , is the fact that whilst we , we do live in this world and I absolutely agree that if somebody says , look I need to see a new as well , I need to see you now , or I need to see you tomorrow , that 'll be difficult , O K , and that 's the immediacy of the business .
6 I am anxious to find common ground in the country on this matter and I strongly suggest that it is important that that common ground is found .
7 Summer is coming this year and I really want to learn .
8 Oh it would n't be me cos I 'm , I 'm doing it this year and I only thought of it too late
9 I am particularly proud of this scheme and I sincerely hope it will succeed .
10 A month ago the committee Labour members rejected this Scheme and I still have an enormous sense of amazement and anger that the local , and I express local , because it 's not a national policy , that the local Labour group could act in such a callous and spiteful way , putting political dogma , party political dogma , before the needs of the unemployed in the district .
11 We we should discuss a bit about this document and I too have had the er dubious honour of reading John Major 's speech and it 's nice to see that both Tory speakers have actually managed to take half of it each and paraphrase it .
12 Well again , I , I , I had to do it as a kid but I did n't afterwards but er , I er , tell you about this chap and I even went back and told him .
13 ‘ I managed to get clear at Metropole but then Mick came up beside me at the Juniper chicane but I was n't going to be beaten at this stage and I just managed to hold on . ’
14 I have received many such representations and I well understand the depth of feeling on the part of those expressing their concern .
15 Yes er he eventually er I in fact spoke to a Detective Inspector er at the police station er he informed me that er Detective Constable had a good knowledge of these persons and I therefore instructed that er D C make contact with me which he did a short time later that evening .
16 We was out on association that night and I just walked around saying , ‘ I 've got my parole . ’
17 Couple of chaps at the school got booted out for that stuff and I never did get round to it . ’
18 After that we became disinterested in each other and I only had three weeks to the deadline , a last-minute decision to make , but I suppose I 'm one of the lucky ones because my parents were behind me all the way .
19 You see , Harry is coming over from America for that month and I so want to see him .
20 Members may be interested in who fills those positions and I therefore list the other Area Presidents below .
21 That created a little space and I just hit the ball .
22 In fact , my dogs eat the supermarket 's own brand and I seldom change my car ; paying double for my dinner is the nearest I get to it , to being Imelda , or Ivana , but it makes me feel good .
23 There were no decent men on my own horizons and I already feared that I would be spending my life alone .
24 Oh I , I said that to you at the time Robert , I mean I 'll be honest and I saw that document and I nearly died and it 's the way they say it too
25 The only thing he finds of interest is that Ludo and I both carry photographs of the same girl .
26 I always saw myself as a creator of space for particular needs , and I found the best ideas which fitted in with that need and that slot and I then encouraged and challenged and stimulated and created the space for that production team to make that programme in the best possible way .
27 College induction programmes for staff new to FE were in their infancy at that time and I probably felt content in the knowledge of my own ‘ expertise ’ .
28 Nobody wanted to be cruel enough to hurt me because they thought I was so vulnerable at that time and I really wish I 'd been told that I looked disgusting !
29 both sides and I just lay it out .
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