Example sentences of "[det] [noun] and it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That was totally unplanned. erm I was told by a friend that there was erm Pebble Mill were going to organise an Environment Project Competition for Great Britain , and they suggested I sent for a form , which I did , and filled it in , and erm to my astonishment a film crew came down and filmed the pond , and later on I was invited with my husband to Pebble Mill to get this award and it was given me by Virginia Mackenna and Bill Waters , and David Bellamy was there , and erm we had a wonderful time .
2 Preparations are now well advanced for this review and it is intended to seek views from all levels of the Association starting this winter .
3 These have already been compared with law centres earlier in this chapter and it was noted then that they are staffed by volunteer lawyers , have limited opening hours , offer only advice , and make no charge for the service provided .
4 But we actually needed a procedure , that procedure was followed as best we could by borrowing another rule and it was achieved at the end of the day .
5 Interestingly , the deputies in parliament showed no particular interest over this law and it was passed in a lukewarm atmosphere with very few votes against it and virtually no abstentions .
6 Counsel advice has been taken on this issue and it is concluded that debt restructuring is permitted by virtue of paragraph 1(1) ( c ) of Schedule 3 to the Local Government ( Scotland ) Act 1975 .
7 He saw a room that was lit by a pale yellow light of some sort and it was furnished with beautifully made miniature chairs and a table .
8 THERE 'S been a revolution in media over the last few years and it 's going to continue at an ever-increasing pace for sometime to come .
9 The Drowning Pool , that 's Paul Newman and , and Janet erm , Joanne Woodward , that 's the one where you get trapped in this place and it 's filling with water .
10 But nineteen thirteen I went to this examination and it was called a Labour Examination , and if you were able to pass this examination you could leave school at thirteen .
11 ‘ The man 's problems have intensified in the last few weeks and it 's reached the stage where he 's late at least three mornings a week now . ’
12 In fact events have developed rapidly in the last few weeks and it was announced at a Committee meeting on Monday 1st June that we had every hope of opening the museum by the end of the month .
13 They refrained from claiming until that date because they had a contract with the yard for another tanker and it was suggested that they feared that , if they initiated the claim before the tanker was delivered , the yard might have refused to deliver .
14 An initial inspection of the loco , still in impeccable condition externally , has revealed a few problems and it is hoped that the Standard will be back in service sooner than the two to three years expected for overhaul .
15 I was listening to the radio when I was out in the car this morning and it 's coming down
16 Part of the state 's legitimate authority rested on this acknowledgement and it was built into its hegemonic structure and consensus .
17 As to what happens now he says I 've to go to Magistrate 's Court so it 's just beginning to sink in that it 's gon na cost him some brass and it 's going to be serious .
18 Course centres will be introducing the new scheme this autumn and it is hoped that even more students will be encouraged to work towards a Machine Knitting qualification .
19 These two orientations are not entirely separate : most speech involves some information and it is couched differently according to the audience .
20 There is another reason and it is supplied by scanning the Memorial notices in a Catholic newspaper .
21 When we come to the Sufis , death is seen from another world and it is seen transfigured .
22 Sponsors put a percentage of their overall commitment into this fund and it is divided among the squad , who will receive around £2,000 each after the Five Nations Championship .
23 Yeah , we 've had really heavy rain this end and it 's beginning to dry up , but it 's still very strong winds
24 because they were all repressed but they were fighting against this repression and it was coming out , you know .
25 Half of all animal extinctions have occurred this century and it is believed that another one million species could be lost by the year 2000 , which works out at over 270 extinctions every day for the next ten years .
26 These visits will be taking place throughout this year and it is hoped that members ' work will encourage these galleries to give the artists some sort of exhibition exposure .
27 I would , I worry terribly much about this discussion and it was suggesting that men are somehow the root of all evil and all
28 In wartime food had got to be produced , and all the young men were off the land , somebody 'd got to grow the food to feed this country and it was getting a bit desperate , because , old Hitler , he was no fool .
29 Little progress is being made with this problem and it is feared that momentum may be lost by those opposing the scheme , especially over the Christmas and New Year periods .
30 She will need much support and it is hoped that London teachers , who had first been suggested as overall organisers , will give her particularly strong backing and will take responsibility for running the Raffle .
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