Example sentences of "[det] [noun] and [pron] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 We had been held for three and a half years and we still had no idea when we might be released .
2 The Southern Centre has successfully sued both Mississippi and Florida on this basis and they now have to pay $25 an hour to defence lawyers .
3 The Winter timetable saw some changes and we now have departures from Aberystwyth at 07:00 , 08:39 , 11:00 , 13:10 , 15:21 , 17:25 , 19:26 , 21:45 and 23:48 .
4 The scheme , which also includes £60 per goal , was only introduced this season and it certainly has proved a success .
5 A month ago the committee Labour members rejected this Scheme and I still have an enormous sense of amazement and anger that the local , and I express local , because it 's not a national policy , that the local Labour group could act in such a callous and spiteful way , putting political dogma , party political dogma , before the needs of the unemployed in the district .
6 We we should discuss a bit about this document and I too have had the er dubious honour of reading John Major 's speech and it 's nice to see that both Tory speakers have actually managed to take half of it each and paraphrase it .
7 After that we became disinterested in each other and I only had three weeks to the deadline , a last-minute decision to make , but I suppose I 'm one of the lucky ones because my parents were behind me all the way .
8 The powerful running of the big front man had been a constant threat to Andover all afternoon and they just had no answer as he finally surged through shrugging off vain attempts to check him before delivering the perfect finish .
9 er as suggested in the title it 's common to all countries and it therefore has a common denominator which is the European currency unit .
10 If Graeme Souness is going a bit thin on top , it is probably the result of watching Rosenthal on one of those days and he certainly has them when he seems incapable of getting anything right .
11 But God wanted us in that society and we now have a choice .
12 But Mr Taylor said : ‘ The PFA have to look after their own affairs and we already have Professor Sir John Wood in that very role .
13 Carew Cheriton was another Coastal station in the same area and it too has a commemorative plaque , although in the village hall rather than the church .
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