Example sentences of "[det] [noun] of [adj] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 She has some kind of black shawl over her shoulders .
2 Some kind of garbled nonsense over the phone about something that had happened while you were robbing the place . ’
3 It was as if he exerted some kind of gravitational pull over her .
4 One must remember that it was specifically this issue of clerical power over schools which was the nub of the controversy in the 1900–14 period .
5 Does breast feeding leave the child with some sort of psychological advantage over bottle-fed children ?
6 How can we explain this ascendancy of Christian indifference over Christian compassion ?
7 In England and Wales , most of the major housing associations ' tenants have few rights of democratic control over their landlords .
8 The courts justified this vesting of managerial autonomy over the everyday business of the company in the hands of the directors by arguing that it flowed from the construction of a company 's articles of association which formed a contract between the members of the company .
9 Dribble a few drops of olive oil over the filling and place the pizza under a hot grill until the cheese has melted and browned .
10 Although the summit unanimously endorsed the declaration , one foreign minister said later : ‘ We leave Strasbourg with some sense of unfinished business over the German question . ’
11 And wandering the rolling green slopes of the peeling Pally 's 196-acre park gave some sense of exuberant distance over the rituals of lawn-mowing , car-polishing and prudent scurryings among the packed semis below .
12 Well , it 'll be dry this evening and for much of the night , but the cloud 's going to thicken and there could be a few spots of light rain over high ground by dawn .
13 But at least there is some form of official control over the films children see in cinemas .
14 How significant that his response to the overwhelming evidence that the people of this nation want to have some form of democratic control over their own destiny is to propose anything other than a democratic solution .
15 Sprinkle one and a half teaspoons of dried yeast over the surface , stir once and leave until there is a good head of froth , usually after about 10–15 minutes .
16 A machine-readable data set for each diet of elections , and for elections in each tier of local government over time , will be deposited with the ESRC Data Archive .
17 My mother , a witness to many acts of motiveless violence over the years , was already holding the door open .
18 First , there is foreign economic policy-making involving the external relations of the national economy to the world economy ; second , there is stabilisation policy and the whole field of macroeconomic policy and the management " of the economy ; and finally , there is industrial policy covering all those aspects of governmental responsibility over the economy aimed at improving long-run efficiency , output and productivity .
19 An initial aim of this project is to identify and categorize those areas of common land over which the general public have a legal right of access .
20 It is important to be reminded , moreover , that although Darlington Hall was to witness many more events of equal gravity over the fifteen or so years that followed , that conference of March 1923 was the first of them ; one was , one supposes , relatively inexperienced , and inclined to leave little to chance .
21 But so long as no resources used in ‘ selling ’ or in producing are owned monopolistically , we are forced to conclude that this activity is essentially competitive and can not result in any kind of monopolistic control over production or any impairment of the competitive process .
22 The Soviet Union " flatly " refused to accept any degree of Japanese sovereignty over the territories and called on Japan to heed the " results of World War II regarding Soviet-held lands off Hokkaido " .
23 How does the Prime Minister reconcile the welcome emphasis that he placed at the Commonwealth conference on the extension of democratic government throughout the Commonwealth with the continuing reluctance of the Government to give any form of democratic control over their own lives to the people of Wales and Scotland ?
24 Due to wartime conditions the peasantry got the same amount of agricultural machinery over the years 1915–21 that they had been able to buy in a single year prior to the World War .
25 This was the product of centuries of historical accidents : indeed until the treaties of Madrid in 1526 and Cambrai in 1529 , which ended for several generations to come any vestiges of French sovereignty over Amiens and the Vermandois , it is hardly possible to speak of a state frontier at all between France and the Low Countries .
26 It is distinguishable from power in the sense just discussed ( though the two forms may exist side by side ) in that it does not rely on any idea of direct control over others or coercion .
27 The basic award for each employee is calculated as one and a half week 's pay for each year of continuous employment over the age of 41 , one week 's pay for each such year between the ages of 22 and 40 , and half a week 's pay for each year between the ages of 18 and 21 .
28 The payment is calculated as one and a half week 's pay for each year of continuous employment over the age of 40 up to 65 for a man and 60 for a woman , one week 's pay for each year between the ages of 22 and 40 , and half a week 's pay for each year between the ages of 18 and 21 .
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