Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [coord] [pron] be [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I saw that bit and it was n't good
2 Ken wanted to go to Tangier — ‘ He had been there with Orton and all that jazz and I was n't interested . ’
3 But Nyasha knew this snake and she was n't afraid .
4 He he he actually suggested that I might like to call and see him this afternoon but I was n't available for that so well
5 Yes , dad , I 'm sorry son , something 's come up , and I 've got an important client to see this afternoon and I 'm not gon na to be able to make it .
6 Mr Kinnersley , a journalist who lives near Bath , Avon , said last night : ‘ I 'm very pleased about this decision but it is n't a charter for people to drink and drive .
7 But by and large that 's just a further clarification of some aspects and it 's not a quantum change of policy , all it did is collect together wholesalers of circulars etcetera er and and present them in a in a slightly er more concise way .
8 The back line made a few errors but there was n't anyone on the Southampton side able to take advantage .
9 ‘ But these contracts are not a firm indication of who is going to India this winter and who is not . ’
10 There was a moment of sudden realisation that we 'd spent four months raising this cash and we were not going to let it go that easily .
11 The atmosphere with the actual returnees themselves is one of concern and apprehension I guess , because they 're concerned that they 've been involved in this , this crisis and they 're not quite sure what 's happening , and they are er not really being told by everybody , you know , there 's just too many people to make it very clear where they 're all going and when they 're all going .
12 Well there 's another lad he 's been ill in health he 's worked more now than he ever has cos he used to work a few days and lose a few days and he was n't .
13 But Steve had gone off with Maria Luisa for a few days and he was n't thinking about work , that was for sure , and she had n't her freedom anyway !
14 They have obviously been through a very bad time over the last few days and it is n't going to get any better over the next few weeks . ’
15 Boyd Stych , looking strangely civilized in a dark business suit and neatly clipped beard , was informed by his wife , when he came home , that the Advent was sending a photographer and a reporter to see him this evening and he was not to litter up the lounge — she 'd just tidied it .
16 It was clearly a site of some importance and it is not impossible that Rochester was the centre of one of the four Kentish kingdoms mentioned by Caesar , although by the time of Claudius ' invasion these kingdoms appear to have been united under one ruler .
17 But there was a price to be paid in this relationship and he was n't sure …
18 That dispute can not be resolved by this court and we were not asked to do so .
19 A , and so , to me , I think for what we 're paying we should be getting some service and we are not getting it !
20 Erm I 'd seen one this morning but she is n't in the core lecture so she 's no good to you , but I said to her could you give me a lift at all ?
21 He said , cos you caught me , that she was going away this morning but I 'm not really bothered , I 'm not .
22 ‘ Now when I know the boys are preparing for another game and I 'm not there , I will miss it ; the familiar routine , meeting at the Petersham Hotel in Richmond on a Wednesday night , the late meal , the exchange of views as people come in ; the Thursday morning training , dashing round to golf or wherever in the afternoon , the team meeting in the evening , the Friday session , probably going to the cinema at night , the leg pulling , the nervous jokes on the Saturday of the game itself , the closing in from the outside world . ’
23 If you have enjoyed reading this magazine but you are not yet a Friend , you can find out more about the benefits of membership by filling in the coupon below .
24 on , I thought it was this week but it is n't it 's the seventeenth , so I rang Steve and he said I better .
25 They 're supposed to be coming this week but there 's nae sign of them yet .
26 Or may or maybe it 's tomorrow or Friday , it 's some time this week but she 's not sixteen yet .
27 ‘ We 've all taken off together on this flight and there are n't any parachutes in this aircraft .
28 So he tried to placate this man and he was n't going to be placated .
29 About eighteen people escaped from this tunnel and they were not all recaptured until four days later .
30 But by the end of our first year in Cornwall she 'd made a few friends and I was n't being bullied so much , so life became a little easier .
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