Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [that] had been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the nomes scouted around the sheds and came back with a few vegetables that had been missed , but it was a pitifully small amount .
2 How she loathed this web that had been spun so swiftly round her .
3 He glanced out at a gang of starlings fighting over some breadcrumbs that had been tossed on the lawn .
4 As he glanced up at her , his eyes shuttered , she found herself asking another question that had been puzzling her for a while .
5 Tosh said he did n't like some things that had been written about her in papers .
6 I felt this was a chance for me to put to rest one way or another this thing that had been nagging at me for such a long time . ’
7 Now we dealt with all complaints that had been lodged during the week and er would be attended .
8 As night fell on Stabiae , Vesuvius presented an awesome sight , with the oppressively heavy ash cloud above it lit up in a baleful red glare from the many fires that had been started by the rain of hot ash .
9 On the shore in Yorkshire ( Feare , 1970a ) , those dog-whelks that had been checked in growth by winter cold in year 1 grew disproportionately faster in year 2 .
10 That and the fact that she had managed to stir all those self-doubts that had been hovering at the back of her mind .
11 Moreover , this was not one of those results that had been confined to his private papers , but it had been published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society .
12 The telephone was then borrowed to order those samples that had been requested the previous night .
13 Any damage that had been done , was done .
14 I even wore those same trainers that had been glued to my feet for four and a half months .
15 First , that the assistant recorder refused to quash these two counts , notwithstanding that the evidential basis for the allegation that the appellant was engaged in an office or employment in consequence of his false representations was not contained in any of the committal statements , nor in any evidence that had been led before the jury , and that the appellant had not been committed for trial on the offences alleged .
16 These flat files were used as inputs to the contig-building software , together with ancilliary files giving information about the positions of any mapped probes and any contigs that had been determined previously .
17 Plant subjects in the same lunchboxes that had been used for previous experiments were placed on a stand and viewed .
18 There was a hill in the centre marked Spyglass , and several names that had been added later .
19 A couple of winters ago , caught out on a patch of ice , she 'd had a mild argument with a lamppost , damaging more or less the same spot that had been damaged again today .
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