Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [adj] [noun] be being " in BNC.

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1 This afternoon frantic efforts were being made to sort out the confusion .
2 Consumption increased sixfold between 1700 and 1743 , suggesting that to some degree traditional culture was being undermined by changes in the demand for and taste in leisure — a chosen indulgence on the part of the lower orders .
3 In a few areas great progress is being made .
4 All over the country this week stately homes are being put to bed .
5 In a few boatyards sea-going craft were being built or repaired .
6 Once again the new classical answer is simple , though by this stage common sense is being stretched to its limits .
7 In this context it is interesting to compare the remarks of 100 teachers in 100 research studies with comments I have heard from other arts teachers since , because in most cases similar things are being said now , even after the first round of the GCSE .
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