Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 NEW ATTEMPTS are underway to revive Wall Street 's most celebrated failed deal — the buyout of United Airlines which collapsed spreading chaos on the stock market two months ago — with little enthusiasm for a revised offer for the company before next year .
2 This done , I set each processor to a different effect and balanced the quantity of each effect coming into the Quad-FX with the four trim pots .
3 When people are used to , say , £1 of their limited housekeeping money going each Friday to nice Mr Jones when he calls , it must be very difficult for them even to consider diverting that money into a different spending channel which would instead involve them — rather than Mr Jones — in all the work of paying it in .
4 ’ The value of an air ambulance service remains uncertain , compared with the use of that money in a different way .
5 There is a second point stated to have been resolved , viz. : ‘ That payment of a lesser sum on the day can not be any satisfaction of the whole , because it appears to the judges that by no possibility a lesser sum can be a satisfaction to the plaintiff for a greater sum . ’
6 Masked by the cold war , it has in practice fulfilled that function for a long time .
7 This was a condition not easily achieved at the Physic Garden because , Miller added , ‘ we have very little loam within a favourable distance ’ .
8 What did a boy still at university , with no prospects yet of any sort of career , what did someone like that want with a massive country house ?
9 Because no one can know at this stage what those conditions might be , it would be unwise for anyone now to decide irrevocably to take that decision at a future date .
10 Yes I think they have the the best information to be able to make that decision at a local level .
11 This particular passage is Bukharin at his sophistical worst , since he rails against the ‘ freedom to labour ’ in a manner that dodges the real freedom that workers can obtain by forming trade unions ; this was not a negation of the ‘ freedom to labour ’ , but rather a redefinition of that freedom in a positive manner .
12 The St Albans clock had two similar escapements , one to control the going-train and one to ring the bell each hour on a twenty-four-hour system with the number of strokes equal to the hour .
13 Also , the need to treat each instalment as a separate amount for ageing purposes means that a great deal of care will need to be given to the analysis of repayment mortgages .
14 ‘ Although it was horrible to lose my titles , I look back at that fight as a great experience . ’
15 After all , mass-produced will always be mass-produced , but the whole point of mass-produced electrics is that you can walk into a store , pick the very best example from a row of several , spend a little money on a great setup , and maybe some pickups , and still save enough over a custom guitar to buy yourself an extremely nice amplifier .
16 If I had a little money in a rich man 's world .
17 Under the " once-and-for-all " test what matters is that the income can be used to benefit the individual in question in the year of assessment in which it arises , and it does not matter if it is not possible so to apply that income in a subsequent year of assessment .
18 An instruction adds one to each field of a specified index register , and jumps to a specified address unless the loop count field has reached zero .
19 Throughout England there are projects nationwide , they need practical support , counselling , and specialist treatment , but above all there are sixteen thousand children a year that hope for a better future .
20 One local resident commented at the time , ‘ Possibly this area may have been picked because they think they might meet least resistance from a depopulated area ’ .
21 Equally , the maintenance of that support through a difficult period will reflect back credit on banking as a whole .
22 So to lighten our load and ensure that your answer is passed on quickly would you please put each response in a separate envelope with the name of the reader it is addressed to on the front .
23 One effect of the early deadline was that some teachers claimed that their reports had to be rushed and that there was little opportunity for a considered appraisal :
24 Equilibrium results in each case on a wider basis ; we are now dealing with unstable equilibrium with positive indication .
25 If , for example , the saved material was to be inserted into a troff document , each instance of a saved Book-title could be prefixed by the string ‘ \fI ’ and followed by the string ‘ \fP ’ , thus causing the book title to appear in italics when formatted by troff .
26 Specifically properties can be set to insert strings before and after each instance of a particular context .
27 Philip and she spent sixty pounds of it that afternoon on a secondhand gas boiler .
28 The S.S.O. was crossing Casualty yard when I was going on duty that afternoon in a flaming temper .
29 Lord may I pick it up page four hundred and two erm at lesson B er there 's a plea of breach of duty , this new plea does however raise the issue not of the original , not apparent on the original fee then what is the scope of the solicitor 's duty that part of a particular aspect of a problem .
30 That part of a social policy course that is concerned with describing policies and the institutions responsible for them has a clear face value to the social policy ‘ practitioner ’ .
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