Example sentences of "[vb pp] place [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The growth of formal education systems could not have taken place without the incorporation of sectors in society , which had previously been excluded .
2 Substantial growth had already taken place during the course of the eighteenth century , but after 1801 the pace quickened so that by 1851 the population of England and Wales stood at 17·9 millions .
3 We will now briefly examine each category , outlining the developments which have taken place since the beginning of the decade .
4 And I think that the revolution in history which has taken place over the course of the last twenty-five years has been a revolution which has been fuelled by people 's curiosity to study things which previously had not been studied , rather than just to take some formal statement of what seemed to be important , which is what the chroniclers took , or some propaganda statement , which is what the Tudors took and what the seventeenth century historians took , or indeed to write very academic history , which is what professional historians have tended to do , over the course of the last erm forty or fifty years .
5 The issue was referred up to Joint Industrial Council level and a meeting has taken place under the Chairmanship of Mr. Peter Smith , Q.C .
6 Much of this can be explained by the cooptation which has taken place through the mechanism of clientelism .
7 The government 's development thrust has been furthered : a great deal of construction has taken place to the benefit of developers and major building companies .
8 In the first place , instead of searching for the long-term consequences of early family experiences , a switch has taken place to the study of immediate effects .
9 Held , allowing the appeal , that on its true construction section 87 of the Act of 1985 required that the successor to a tenancy should have resided with the tenant during the period of 12 months ending with the tenant 's death , but did not require the residence to have taken place for the whole of that period in the premises to which succession was claimed ; and that , accordingly , the defendant was entitled to succeed to his deceased brother 's tenancy ( post , pp. 133B–E , 135C–F ) .
10 Prior to the reform , dealing in government securities had taken place on the floor of the London Stock Exchange between brokers ( acting on behalf of clients in an agency capacity ) and jobbers ( acting on their own behalf as principals ) .
11 Far less argument has taken place on the subject of broadcasting which is almost entirely government-controlled and where that control is usually direct .
12 On January 25 Moroccan trade unions held a 24-hour strike in support of Iraq with official sanction , despite the riots that had taken place on the occasion of a previous strike last December .
13 The board also received an oral report from the chief legal officer about a meeting with representatives of Norwich Union which had taken place on the morning of 29 October 1990 .
14 The Russian Justice Ministry claimed that this infringement of the law governing the registration of parties had taken place with the connivance of ex-Soviet officials .
15 Graham said : ‘ People are generally happy with the new premises and the move has taken place with the minimum of disruption for the service we provide to schools .
16 The incident is believed to have taken place at the home of Mr Dearlove 's estranged wife Janet .
17 Many visitors to Quainton Road expressed surprise at the amount of change that has taken place at the Centre over the last few years .
18 A similar rite seems to have taken place at the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus .
19 Defenders of the evacuees pointed out that the exercise had taken place at the end of a particularly hot summer , in which head lice would have thrived , that parents had not been properly informed of how long their children would be evacuated for ( and hence despatched them in one day 's clothing ) , or that the first day of evacuation ( 1 September ) was a Friday — the day on which working-class financial resources would have been at their lowest , preventing parents buying extra garments for their children .
20 Among the many meetings that took place that night , one of the most significant seems to have taken place at the house of a Foreign Office Minister , Tristan Garel-Jones .
21 A similar sequence of events bad taken place at the castle of Mauvezin in Bigorre and a charge that the lieutenant had far exceeded the limits of his jurisdiction was made .
22 In making such judgments one is in much the same position as a journalist describing a battle after it had taken place from the bar of a hotel , for the pressures in the 'sixties were very great and very immediate and those of us in the Ministries of Education responded to them as best we knew how .
23 The very large collections of rocks , minerals and fossils from many parts of the world demonstrate the succession of changes that have taken place throughout the Earth over the vast span of geological time .
24 For example , Loucks , Dodge & galloway ( 1984 ) demonstrated feldspar dissolution to have taken place after the formation of quartz overgrowth cements in some US Gulf Coast Lower Tertiary sandstones , whereas , in similar sandstones , Siebert , Moucure & lahann ( 1984 ) showed feldspar dissolution occurred after calcite cementation but before hydrocarbon maturation and migration .
25 However , this has taken place after the building of the office block which now adorns the site .
26 It is their third meeting , the first two having taken place within the space of five months in 1980 .
27 All this has taken place before the story of A Tale of Two Cities opens , and is learned only towards the end when Manette 's Bastille-written document is made public by Mme Defarge , sister of the murdered peasants ( TTC iii 10 ) .
28 A minor controversy arose briefly because the resignation of the outgoing Cabinet and the appointment of the new Cabinet had taken place before the closing of the first session of the new Federal Assembly on June 27 , contravening the Constitution .
29 The sale of council houses has taken place against the background of an allocation policy that has done much to lay the basis of the emergence of ghettos .
30 The incident had taken place around the back of the Berkeley cinema , with a very busty but willing land army girl .
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