Example sentences of "[vb pp] him down [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They 've got him down at the station for questioning .
2 I had never had him down as a kerb-crawler either , but from the state of the car it looked as if it had had a good kicking .
3 She was exhausted ; more so because of the alarmed way she had sprung out of reach whenever Guy had become restless , than from the number of times she had sponged him down in an attempt to cool his fever .
4 He might not have been able to dodge the water , but they 'd never pinned him down for the Instruction .
5 It would even be worth surrendering his prey , to have brought him down to the ignominy of lying to excuse himself .
6 Frankie Albright was nineteen and just young enough to have missed the war ; he had tried to sign up when he was sixteen , only to be informed upon by his mother , who had followed him down to the recruiting office .
7 They had taken him down in the lift and he had stood there looking at her face , peaceful and still .
8 We have n't put him down for a nursery school- !
9 But Laura was a piranha ; she 'd have chewed him down to the bone if he had let her .
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