Example sentences of "[vb pp] as if it had been " in BNC.

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1 This means that a premium paid during a tax year is treated as if it had been paid during the previous tax year ; or the tax year before that , if there were no relevant earnings in the previous year .
2 An action purporting to have been commenced against a person who is dead at its commencement is treated as if it had been commenced against his estate , whether or not a grant of representation had been issued at its commencement ( Ord 5 , r 8(3) ) .
3 It was dark with age and looked as if it had been coated with treacle .
4 The corpse looked as if it had been attacked by dagger-billed birds .
5 The furniture , too , looked as if it had been gradually acquired over the years ; gifts , rejects , the unregarded remnants of long-forgotten jumble sales .
6 The house in California — it was in the Bel Air district of Los Angeles , I think — looked as if it had been flung by a giant hand against the side of a hill and had stuck .
7 His face had gone very red and looked as if it had been sprayed with water .
8 The gallery itself looked as if it had been carved by some giant sculptor , minute details in the stonework wrought by caring as well as skilful hands .
9 The room looked as if it had been torn apart .
10 The large teapots were filled from the boiling urns , and , thanks to the microwaves , the food tasted as if it had been freshly made .
11 All it 's side had been shaved as if it had been an o had an operation .
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