Example sentences of "[vb pp] as [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In October 1986 Central Council approved a proposal made by Air Vice-Marshal Bill Gill that Eagle Lodges should be developed as welfare facilities for the Association .
2 In all five states it was found that there had been " massive rigging , tampering with figures [ and ] double voting " with the result that the number of votes cast exceeded the number of people registered as party members for the two parties .
3 In bookkeeping terms the depreciation amounts are regarded as debit entries in an intermediate account which is then transferred to the profit and loss account at the end of the accounting period .
4 In bookkeeping terms the depreciation amounts are regarded as debit entries in an intermediate account which is then transferred to the profit and loss account at the end of the accounting period .
5 CD-I players for example will be positioned as CD-A players with the in-built added value of interactive multimedia .
6 Anyway , the three of us have been seen as cartoon characters for a number of years .
7 These loans are shown as metal borrowings in the group 's balance sheet .
8 In January 1981 district planning authorities became responsible for determining all planning applications which were formerly classified as county matters under the Local Government Act 1972 .
9 The argument was that almost anything could be used in connection with cars or motoring , and so a very wide range of goods fell to be classified as motor accessories for the purposes of the section .
10 It is thought likely that more than this have been bred and not registered , simply used as guard dogs by the booming security industry in South Africa .
11 Hiatal hernia , LOS pressure , pack years of smoking , current smoking status , ounce years of alcohol consumption , age , and the use of bronchodilators were used as predictor variables in the logistic regressions .
12 M0 is sometimes called the wide monetary base as it includes those assets that are , or could be , used as cash reserves by the banking system .
13 The labels , racism and sexism , are used as summary terms for a very wide range of attitudes , behaviours and institutional processes which result in unequal access to material resources and personal dignity and choices .
14 Although terms such as lentement and vite are unambiguously indicative of tempo , many other expressions commonly found in French Baroque music which may appear at first sight to have no definite connotations of tempo were commonly understood as tempo indications at the time .
15 Two AI delegates were recently invited as guest speakers to a week-long conference in Colombo on trade unions and human rights .
16 The Lao PDR has good mineral potential for gold , copper , lead and zinc , which are currently ranked as mineral commodities of the first importance in world markets .
17 The former Brigadier Toby Low said that he had known many of the Cossacks would be tried and executed as war criminals by the Soviets .
18 The farms were run as family units with an important role for the wife .
19 Those elected as deputy chairs of the presidium were Augustin Marian Huska of the HZDS , Jozef Prokes , chair of the Slovak National Party , and Peter Weiss , chair of the Party of the Democratic Left .
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