Example sentences of "[vb pp] his [noun pl] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A moderate scholar at his Chatham school , he had nevertheless amazed his teachers by his ability to write copperplate script at the age of eleven .
2 On his last leave before sailing he had said his goodbyes to his mother and gone out but , stopping at the gate , turned and gone back in again , leaving with her his signet ring and pocket watch .
3 He 'd been er had an accident in the quarry some time ago and he was working in the helping as a mate or something in the carpenter 's shop and he he must have been h must have had his hands in our pile of finished products and er Well partly finished products and er he er he was caught one of the cos er these castings there was a an edge to them you know , the joint of the the mould that came together sort of thing .
4 I 've got his diaries in my room ; he kept a diary from the age of thirteen . ’
5 ‘ I do n't care if Satan 's got his teeth in your bum !
6 He had found it and endured it , but it had opened his eyes to what apprenticeship meant under another master than Adam .
7 For when the Battle of the Somme broke out in July , Boelcke — having persuaded his seniors of his indispensability at the front — accounted for fiftyone planes with his ‘ Flying Circus ’ , of which twenty were his own personal bag .
8 Deems wiped his lips on his cloth .
9 With a massive effort she tried to fight him off , but he had locked his hands behind her neck , and all her efforts to squirm out of his grasp were useless .
10 Yesterday when he had imprinted his lips on her mouth she had had no foretaste of what a deliberate kiss of his could be like .
11 He had stuck his hands in his trouser pockets and was looking straight ahead , his eyes level .
12 I had known Bruce for some years as he often ministered to friends , and on two or three occasions when he had laid his hands on my back , the heat emanating from them was like a blowtorch .
13 Yesterday Ven had gently touched his lips to her cheek — and for Lubor to do what he had just now was an insult to that beautiful memory .
14 The fact that such an ‘ Expressive Revolution ’ is not unrelated to other , much more obviously parricidal ones , and that all of these insurrections against cultural restraint can be traced to childhood failures in the acquisition of the superego is nicely illustrated by an Italian terrorist who , having put his revolutionary ideology into practice by murdering seventeen people and kidnapping an American general , justified his activities at his trial by proudly explaining that ‘ My challenge began from the school benches of Centocelle [ his home town ] .
15 Nagel flicked his palm more vigorously then placed his hands on his desk .
16 Dorcas cupped his hands around his mouth .
17 Some months later it dawned on me that he had put his hands on my head and what this implied !
18 Paul has not taken his eyes off his lover 's face .
19 ‘ Dio mio , ’ he growled , and he leaned back against the wall , folded his arms across his chest , and prepared to wait out the boredom of the long moments ahead .
20 She had lost count of the number of times she had slapped his hands from her body whenever he waylaid her outside .
21 In his will a testator had released his debtors from their debt .
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