Example sentences of "[vb pp] his [noun] [conj] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mark is said to have dropped his drink when he heard the news .
2 In return his father rages at him for his inability to become a ‘ real ’ man , and demands as the only acceptable proof that Lucio has regained his masculinity that he attack the very next man he sees and sexually assault the first woman ( iv .
3 Europe had been the policy issue which had precipitated his challenge and he reiterated his differences with Mrs Thatcher over Europe .
4 Polybius could not have written his history as he did if he had not found in Rome an aristocracy which he could instinctively understand because he shared its attitude to life .
5 It was often , and still is , alleged by his devotees that Charles I could have saved his life if he had been willing to abandon his Church .
6 ‘ Parliament in my judgment has assumed and contemplated that the testator will have already made his will before he signs and the words in section 9 ( b ) ‘ give effect to the will ’ in my judgment do more naturally suggest that there is a document already in existence which contains either dispositive provisions or something which can properly be described as a testamentary disposition .
7 He 'd made his bed when he left ; that was unlike him , but then the sober man was neat and organized .
8 She had seen his face when he made love to the piano .
9 ‘ Taplow was promised his life if he supported our destruction of Buckingham but in Newgate he began to recant . ’
10 Her hair , glowing like a brazier through the early-morning mist , her high boots and her cream-coloured quilted jacket with its exaggerated shoulders , had drawn his gaze as he sat impatiently in a line of cars while the pickets argued with the driver of an articulated wagon that was trying to enter the University .
11 But last night Souness insisted : ‘ Michael has had his troubles since he came to the club .
12 Well he 's got his allotment and he helps Tina does n't he ?
13 Although Teague has resumed light training , he looks certain to miss England 's match against Fiji on 4 November and has told his club that he does not expect to be fit until the middle of next month .
14 At this Mr Mitchell may have regretted his generosity for he coloured , but nothing could stop Granny when she wanted to create a drama .
15 She went hot all over at the thought , too upset to understand that she had only escaped his hold because he had let her .
16 The car driver had sounded his horn as he screeched to a halt .
17 ‘ Not a bad idea , ’ she said , ‘ considering he 's probably banged his head when he passed out .
18 In the Supreme Court 's opinion it was clear that the tipper ( Secrist ) had not breached his duty since he did not disclose the information with the purpose of gaining some direct or indirect personal benefit .
19 The weather inland was much too dry for him ; there was an earthquake at Agadir ; the heat and dust affected his lungs and he succumbed to a bout of bronchial asthma .
20 Maybe he had proved to himself that he had recovered his nerve but he had had to hold on very tight at that moment when she had broken .
21 A frown of puzzlement creased his brow when he looked at the cover .
22 We 've protected his identity because he fears the sack for speaking out .
23 Marlene had stolen his jacket when he went to the loo , he had just enough money in his trousers to pay for the meal .
24 Patient care had gradually restored his mind until he had been able to remember who he was .
25 In Sybil he had rejoined his past but he transplanted it to an artistic suburb of London which had been the haunt of legendary highwaymen , was now the roost of exiles and writers and only fifteen minutes from the West End theatre .
26 That was my boyfriend but he 's hurt his thumb and he do n't like me any more .
27 He had never struck his children but he felt suddenly that he would like to shake this sullen brat until her teeth rattled .
28 But the suspension also meant that Coker was able to whizz back to Oz for a two-week training camp in Brisbane with Queensland to return having served his time and he missed almost none of the domestic season .
29 Peter Drucker may have overstated his case when he observed that ‘ capital movements rather than trade … have become the driving force of the world economy ’ ( Drucker , 1986 : p. 768 ) , but he has pointed the finger at a central issue in the global environment .
30 He had delayed his flight because he considered that the wind was too strong and blustery for an earlier departure , but later felt conditions had improved sufficiently for him to fly .
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