Example sentences of "[vb pp] as though [pers pn] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then she forced a smile , and said , ‘ Of course , Damien : and proffered a cheek , averted as though she was expecting a blow .
2 But , we fought back , showing true fighting spirit , and looked as though we were set to win by a couple of points before the Americans rallied , salvaged some pride and squared the match .
3 The zeds of the fire-escapes looked as though they were used in earnest twice a week they were grimed to a cinder .
4 Boycott stayed over five hours for 70 but had no lengthy support , Botham holed out in the deep when his responsibility as captain was to put his head down , and England never looked as though they were going to make it .
5 In 1982 all these qualities looked as though they were going to be urgently required .
6 Looked as though she was bleeding .
7 She rose on to her knees and looked as though she was praying , but her eyes were fully open and the clenched look on her remarkably white face with its mannish black eyebrows suddenly reminded him of her dead mother .
8 He nodded , looked as though he was going to say something else , but then thought better of it , and headed off upstairs , leaving Alyssia clutching a confusing array of emotions , none of which she felt she could deal with .
9 Suntanned now , he no longer looked as though he was dying of jaundice .
10 Erm but anyway you s you started off with er with some greeting and er and er appropriate sociability erm one thing I noticed that Martin seemed to take control of the handshake and that 's something that was pointed out this morning and , and looked at and from where I was it looked as though he was keeping hold of your hand some time , you had your buyer 's guide and whatever in your other hand and you could n't , you know , bring it over and , and put yourself back into control erm and an interesting one and a , an e an example to all of us I think .
11 The low lands were patched with hayfields at every stage of readiness , from bleached yellow to ferny green , and across the coloured surfaces people moved as though they were stitching and knitting at its texture , arms pulling on rakes , backs stooped under burdens on their way to the steadings .
12 ‘ Well , yes , ’ he murmured , his brow furrowed as though he were taking her question seriously , ‘ I bought some — ’
13 She makes love with her eyes closed as though she is trying not to look at him .
14 The letters sounded as though they were weeping , Thérèse thought .
15 Even little office boys dressed as though they were running the country .
16 Her accent is gentler than the others , and her words are clipped as though she was schooled in England as child , though I know she was n't .
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