Example sentences of "[vb pp] as [pers pn] [verb] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed like an excellent opportunity to put himself to the test , see if his reflexes were as finely honed as they had been in the old days .
2 Theda had hardly heard her , overwhelmed as she had been by the thoughtfulness of the unknown gentleman .
3 We need to recognise that some letters will take longer to answer that public loos will not be as fully attended as they have been in the past .
4 GP fundholders are subject to a new set of perverse incentives which arise from the fact that in their case purchasing and providing roles are fused , not separated as they have been in DHAs .
5 It was the first time I had heard him play great music , and I was moved as I had been by the Bonnards ; moved in a different way , but still moved .
6 French structuralism , applied as it has been to a wide range of intellectual disciplines , is a realization of Saussure 's dream of a general science of signs — semiology .
7 Determined to arrange a meeting to discuss it ( postponed as it has been from summer to autumn , autumn to December , December to ‘ early in the the New Year ’ and so on … ) , she rang the Scottish Office direct in an attempt to find out the proposed date of revelation and publication .
8 But Spain would never again be as politically and economically isolated as it had been between 1945 and 1950 .
9 To be sure , one could sympathize with the sentiments of some of those penitents who refused themselves pleasures because the Emperor , saviour of mankind , could experience no pleasure whatever , locked as he had been for millennia in his prosthetic throne …
10 Scoured as they have been by the turbulent and freezing sands that eroded every trace of fittings and furnishings whatsoever , their walls and ceilings do bear signs : remnants of incised and sometimes inlaid strings of rectangular shapes that numerous experts have confidently identified as writing , though no truly plausible translation has ever been constructed .
11 Indeed , introduced as they have been in a climate of manpower cuts by an allegedly insensitive senior management , the main effects of these developments may be to produce ‘ not just disgruntled employees ’ but also ‘ ineffective organisation ’ ( Plowden , 1985 , p. 410 ) .
12 The luncheon table was laid as it had been for 50 Christmases , with a pyramid of polished John Standish apples from Somerset in the middle , flanked by Christmas roses and trails of ivy .
13 Unionists of the time would scarcely have recognized the terms of the debate , for in 1922 the party was still embroiled with Ireland and the House of Lords , held a smaller share of the popular vote than ever before , and was still split as it had been since 1902 ; few Unionists would have seen the war as a turning-point for the better in the party fortunes .
14 Oh , I wish I could have continued as I 've been for the last year or so , with no hopes or fears , and no pleasures and no sadness . ’
15 The climb had been no trouble to Harry , bred as he had been among the crags of Snowdon .
16 In Stenhouse Australia Ltd v Phillips [ 1974 ] AC 391 the restraint of trade clause was part of an agreement made between the parties after employment had ceased as it had been in Wyatt 's case .
17 The battered red car arrived at 7pm , Maria Yackle was dressed as she had been for her previous visit , but because it was rather cold , wore a jacket made of synthetic fur as well .
18 The castle walls surround the medieval town , which is still inhabited as it has been for hundreds of years .
19 Ironically , the protest had nothing to do with the South Africans who were as warmly received as they had been in Jamaica and Trinidad , greeted and feted by the government and watched by Prime Ministers Erskine Sandiford of Barbados and P.J. Patterson of Jamaica who came specially for the historic occasion , the first Test ever played between teams previously kept apart by the ideology of racial superiority .
20 Both the American and British governments are cloaking these new operations in a shroud of secrecy though it is unlikely any politician has the slightest idea what the two agencies are planning to do or that they even care if laws are broken as they have been in the past .
21 He 'd had this sickness all along , of course , but he 'd worsened since the assassin 's visit , and her tolerance for these traits , braced as she 'd been by her encounter with Gentle , had dropped to zero .
22 Opinion in both these movements , however , was as strongly divided as it had been among the trade union movement and the Independent Labour Party twenty years before .
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