Example sentences of "[vb pp] by [art] [noun pl] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It must be impregnable , especially if attacked by the adherents of those long established religious beliefs that confer privileges .
2 The legislature consists of a Chamber of Deputies of 254 members elected directly for four-year terms with half of the seats renewable every two years , and a 46-member Senate nominated by the legislatures of each of the 23 provinces for nine-year terms with one-third of the seats renewable every three years .
3 Although this is both extensive and varied by the standards of most of the human sciences , though perhaps not of history , what it illustrates is the difficulty of specifying what is to count as data beyond saying that it is whatever material that researchers need to work with in order to pursue their inquiries .
4 For those out there wondering aloud ‘ where 's Syd ? ’ , a bonus ten-track CD entitled ‘ The Early Singles ’ has been thoughtfully included by the compilers of this Porsche of a box set .
5 Before 1833 only British and Burgher lawyers were allowed to practise in Colombo courts , but this restriction was lifted by the reforms of that year , and by the mid-century few British lawyers practised in Sri Lanka .
6 The helper obviously did not do part of the actions denoted by the infinitives in these sentences .
7 The greater the risk , as with ordinary shares , the higher the rate of return expected by the holders of such claims .
8 What were the goods carried by the railways in such bulk ?
9 If one looks at the majority of market experiments in which convergence to the market equilibrium is rapid , one sees that the decision-problem solved by the subjects in such experiments is relatively simple ; recently , however , there have been a number of more complicated market experiments in which the subjects face more complicated decision-problems .
10 In Strathclyde alone , nearly three out of every five cases were not pursued to court , a statistic which provides ‘ considerable support for the view that a policy of mass arrests was pursued by the police in that area ’ ( Wallington , 1985 : 150 ) .
11 It is this set of implementation questions which are addressed by the papers in this special edition of the journal .
12 However it is worth remembering that the themes addressed by the papers in this issue are long-standing within social work and social welfare although at different times arising in response to different influences .
13 The 16-point plan presented by the rebels at this meeting had been rejected by the government , but on Oct. 15 Chissano announced that MNR rebels would be allowed to stand in the 1991 elections if they renounced violence and laid down their arms .
14 The test applied by the courts in these cases is whether the plaintiff was acting reasonably in the circumstances .
15 The Reds won the war because they had a good , disciplined army and also because the Whites could not co-ordinate their attacks , due to poor communications and were consequently defeated by the Reds without half the trouble they should have caused the Reds .
16 In the case of Le Cuisinier Anglais Universel ou Le Nec Plus Ultra de la Gourmandise there are some interesting metamorphoses , as well as signs that the translator was defeated by the names of some of our cherished specialities , among them le catchup and le browning ( " to even the most skilled of French cooks these sauces will be new " , says the publisher 's preface ) .
17 Various versions have been related by the locals of this close-knit and defensive community .
18 I took some measures through the Arts Council to help the cash flows of some of the institutions that were threatened by the delays in that funding .
19 It could only too easily lead to acquiescence in the evil done by the powers of this world .
20 " One of the most beautiful things done by the painters of this country has been the painting of black which nevertheless has light in it , " Vincent had written from Holland .
21 The 9.43–10.12 question appeared in this test context also , and fewer pupils were successful than when the question was asked directly , probably because the information required had first to be selected by the pupils from all the figures given in the timetables .
22 At the meeting of the State Council on Nov. 4 , attended by the leaders of all 12 republics , except Moldava and Armenia , agreement was reached on the abolition of all Union Ministries , except for railways , atomic power , and electricity .
23 Einstein was deeply disturbed by the implications of this collapse , and he refused to believe that it happened .
24 The reason that the protest was n't accepted by the courts in this country was that they had not protested with equivalent vigour at an earlier stage when the looted antiquities first appeared on the market .
25 These observations may reflect what is already happening , yet their implicit optimism needs to be tempered by the realities of this kind of economic growth ( see also Kasarda , 1985 for a similar assessment of the US context ) .
26 At a meeting of the Committee appointed to enquire into the Complaints made by the Officers of this Institution .
27 We arrive now at the crux of the matter , and it is described as follows : ’ The actual decisions are made by the Directors of each agency separately . ’
28 From it you can walk to Itxassou 's other half , which is clustered round the church , about a kilometre away and within sight of the defile known as the Pas de Roland , an opening in the rock said to have been made by the hoofs of this luckless paladin 's horse ( but more of Roland in the appropriate place , when we come to Roncevaux ) .
29 An informal discussion took place between the advocates with the clerk of the court as to the use that could be made by the justices of those statements and that medical report .
30 Taxes Act 1988 , s678 deals with the situation where capital sums are paid by a connected company to the settlor and where there have been associated payments made by the trustees to that company .
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