Example sentences of "[vb pp] with the [noun] [prep] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , for its no vote Yemen has been threatened with the withdrawal of $70 million in US aid .
2 What has changed for the stockman is more often connected with the intensification of livestock production .
3 Hick and Hughes were extradited to Germany on July 16 to face charges connected with the bombing of barracks at Langenhagen , near Hannover in May 1990 , and with the murder of a British army major in Dortmund four days after the Roermond shootings [ see p. 37537 ] .
4 Links made with the deaths of sperm whales , common dolphins , Risso 's dolphins and pilot whales elsewhere , including the North Sea epidemic which killed thousands of seals , have not been substantiated .
5 ‘ The ruins of the old Kreuzkirche , Dresden , from the east ’ by Bernardo Bellotto , is also being offered with the estimate of £500–700,000 ( $900,000–1.3m ) .
6 The complete set of Chagall 's ‘ Daphnis and Chloe ’ prints is to be offered with the estimate of £800–900,000 ( $1.4–1.6m ) in this sale of Old Master , nineteenth and twentieth-century and contemporary prints .
7 This suggests accumulation of bFGF to the ulcer area to form a reservoir of bFGF that could be responsible for the enhancement of angiogenesis and mucosal growth ( increased DNA and RNA ) in the ulcer margin seen in rats treated with the combination of bFGF plus sucralfate .
8 Use of suitably placed video-monitors greatly improves display potential , and when the cost of this equipment is compared with the cost of staff hours for teaching , it can be seen that provision of suitable display equipment is a relatively cheap way of increasing the cost-effectiveness of an online teaching programme .
9 Compared with the exchange of data on magnetic tapes , EDI speeds up the process dramatically .
10 In a pilot trial the results of treatment with homoeopathy in a group of patients were compared with the results of aspirin treatment in a slightly smaller , but otherwise similar group .
11 But if the Working Party 's estimate of an average loss of between £20,000 and £25,000 is correct , the financial consequences are small compared with the minimum of £300,000 which even the least rewarded county received last year from the TCCB , whose main source of income is the profit from international cricket .
12 Dell expects fiscal 1994 sales of between $3,400m and $3,700m and net profit of between $3.30 and $3.75 a share , compared with the $2.59 on sales of just over $2,000m reported for the year just ended .
13 This item has been raised with the Head of Staff Relations , Bank of Ireland and we would hope that an early meeting will take place to discuss this issue
14 Both men lived through the Depression , but Fraser 's depressions were only indirectly linked with the hardships of people he knew .
15 In some areas of upland Britain , a decline in otter populations has been linked with the decline in fish populations in acidified water courses ( Woodin , 1989 ) .
16 The area was littered with the carcases of livestock in scenes reminiscent of the 1984–85 famine that left up to a million dead and prompted Bob Geldof 's Band Aid campaign .
17 In summing up the potential of the hotel business in Sweden , Anders Falkman said that the hotel trade has been particularly badly hit with the introduction of 25% VAT rate for carpets .
18 George Walker , former chief executive of Brent Walker , was arrested and charged with the theft of £12.5m from the company .
19 This is stressed by Ives et al. ( 1987 ) , who argue the case for more research to obviate the problems associated with the extrapolation of data , often erroneously , from the micro-to the macro-scale within the Himalaya region .
20 The original writ was served on the day the venue was due to re-open , coupled with the threat of £20,000 fine if any gigs went ahead .
21 A reader of Singer , let us suppose , is taken with the idea of ethics as taking the universal point of view and progresses to the principle of the equal consideration of interests , attracted perhaps by its sense of having rekindled the spirit of the Second Commandment in secular guise .
22 On the other hand , in slipping the curve into the picture , however subtle this may be , one is faced with the problem of people .
23 The problem here is that , for good compositional reasons , one needs to keep in a section of the curve into the picture , however subtle this may be , one is faced with the problem of people .
24 But if you do n't embrace EDI , relentlessly , every year , conference after conference , you will be faced with the prospect of people like me endlessly expounding the virtues of EDI .
25 Her face was covered with the scars of smallpox and she had a huge protruding belly ; a shadow of light stubble flecked her chin .
26 Cabinet rigidity is maintained with the use of 22mm Medite profiled baffles , which have rounded edges to minimize diffraction effects .
27 The software has been developed and tested with the aid of data derived from laboratory experimental apparatus designed to investigate rock-water reactions at elevated temperature and pressure ( 200°C , 300 bars ) under fluid-flow conditions .
28 The subassembly relationships can thus be established with the minimum of data needing to be extracted from CAD part files .
29 The labrum is an unpaired sclerite usually movably articulated with the clypeus by means of the clypeolabral suture .
30 Warden , Chris Martin , has already been appointed for summer duty when the ‘ island ’ is visited by organised parties of bird watchers and other naturalists.Orford Ness has been purchased with the help of £2.3 million from the Countryside Commission and contributions from the National Heritage Memorial Fund , and Suffolk County and Suffolk Coastal councils .
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