Example sentences of "[vb pp] that she [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Her mother thought it was better for her not to be at home as there was not much space , so the following week they saw the social worker and it was arranged that she go to a house run by the Catholic anti-abortion organisation LIFE .
2 But her cause was badly damaged in 1985 , the day before she was to sit next to the Prince of Wales at a dinner in Florida , when it was revealed that she posed as a nude model in magazines and appeared in pornographic films in the late 1960s .
3 ‘ You were probably told that she died of a heart attack — but she did n't .
4 Looking simplistically at her behaviour at home it might have been assumed that she conformed to a typical stereotype of an AD sufferer .
5 The question was so silkily inserted that she drew in a breath .
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