Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [pers pn] was [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 In the half-hour I had spent with Lord Byron , I had forgotten that it was again raining steadily .
2 To her horror , Folly saw Luke nod and turn away down the corridor , leaving her alone with this sinister whispering woman who seemed to take it for granted that she was meekly going to strip off and join in what could only be some kind of orgy .
3 I wish I could have said that she was sweetly understanding , but she looked at me as if I were an incubus that had raped her and scraped along the brickwork , desperate to get past .
4 Madame Butterfly , he thought , for he had sneaked a glance at the soldier opposite and seen that he was now weeping , the letter crumpled in his fist , scrunching apple blossom .
5 If Ramsbum had been a human being Amiss might have suspected that he was seriously feeling grief .
6 THE LIDs OVER the cannons ' eyes slid open as the pirogues approached ; the watch would have thought that he was only imagining the narrow prows breaking the black water , but the order had been given , ‘ Full alert ’ , and so the English sailor trusted his eyes and raised the alarm .
7 Charles apologised for the wine 's lukewarmth , but both agreed that it was nevertheless rehabilitating .
8 He wanted to know how I knew that they were nine miles towards Mali and seemed to be bothered that I was only guessing .
9 Edward Thomas may not have known that he was also making an ecological point when he pinned down so precisely the atmosphere and feel of these places :
10 One person could cope provided that she was always doing things .
11 Six months after this promotion he again called me to his office to suggest , in his gentle diplomatic way , that while the CBC was happy with my work as Production Manager , it had been observed that I was still producing almost as many shows as before .
12 When Lucy had first talked about Christine taking her over , Josie had assumed that she was merely finding words to describe some devised means of survival .
13 A broader assessment of fiscal policy has concluded that it was positively destabilising but , as has been suggested above , this was probably of marginal significance [ Dow , 1964 ; Blackaby , 1978 ] .
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