Example sentences of "[vb pp] it [prep] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The joyrider that we interviewed , he was fairly upset and he wished that he 'd never done it in the first place .
2 It should be remembered that recovery is a process of improving perception and is not merely an intellectual process : if sufferers could fully see and understand what they were doing to themselves , they would not have done it in the first place .
3 they , they should of done , but they did n't , the point is they should n't of left it the last minute , they should of done it in the first place
4 Have you done it in the last sort of few weeks ?
5 This he read in the lavatory , where she had seen it on the first day .
6 yeah , I 've seen it in the last day or two
7 This was the street along which she had run , a skinny and excited ten-year-old , to boast to her father that she was the only girl who had made it to the next round of the chess competition .
8 GUIL : But if he gave it to me there 's no reason why you should have had it in the first place , in which case I do n't see what all the fuss is about you not having it .
9 She spoke truthfully for the first time and said she had n't any more of it — which was a direct admission that she had had it in the first place .
10 well I suppose their motto is , she had a C D ten on her driving licence , I suppose she should n't of had it in the first place so if she had n't of had it , he would n't of got it !
11 Sir Kenneth Newman , to whom the report was presented , candidly admitted he would not have commissioned it in the first place ( it was commissioned by his predecessor , Sir David McNee ) , while the official Police Federation magazine ( Police , December 1983 ) concluded in an editorial :
12 ( Have I got it in the first place ?
13 She guessed Ursula 's diamond-encrusted eternity ring had inflicted the damage and recalled being shown it for the first time nearly ten years ago .
14 Kate had been so busy looking around the room that she 'd rather forgotten why they had entered it in the first place .
15 He explained about the legend and the Monument and the meteorite that had brought it in the first place .
16 As long as er I keep finding places that I have n't , you know thi this is leaving it to the la I have n't left it till the last minute , but all las la you know I keep looking at it and thinking well
17 Should have taken it in the second half , but they could n't find the net .
18 He was not much older than Peter and he looked puzzled , as if wondering not only how to end this conversation but how he had begun it in the first place .
19 It was also one of the most economical , which was why Kolchinsky would have purchased it in the first place .
20 Another part in the book that I did n't understand until I had read it for the second time was a bit right at the every end .
21 Has anybody read it for the first time for this course ?
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