Example sentences of "[vb pp] to be [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To aggravate all this further , the records all sound as though they were designed to be played on compact disc .
2 Parts are designed to be made of single materials only , making separation during recycling much easier .
3 a motor car designed to be used on public roads
4 a motor car designed to be used on public roads
5 a motor car designed to be used on public roads
6 a motor car designed to be used on public roads
7 House , furniture , people Doll 's house furniture may be sorted to be placed in particular rooms .
8 The turnabout is expected to be seen as disastrous news by purists — not only in the United States but here in Britain , because of the speed with which language fashions cross the Atlantic .
9 Releasing on Nov. 15 its budget figures for 1991 , the government stated that it planned to increase spending by 22 per cent to the equivalent of US$499,000,000 and would face a fiscal deficit of $150,000,000 , only $91,000,000 of which could be expected to be covered by future loans .
10 Expenditure was budgeted at 10,100 million Comoros francs , with revenue of 8,500 million francs ; the shortfall was expected to be covered by French aid as in previous years .
11 Inspection and monitoring are expected to be done by mobile robots capable of pattern recognition .
12 An estimated US$1,500 million of this assistance , however , was expected to be absorbed by foreign debt service payments .
13 Plans for the New Forest are expected to be announced in full as part of the government 's response to the report .
14 In addition , these correlations between individual lipid and lipoprotein concentrations and platelet-specific proteins may explain the changes of platelet-specific proteins with instigation of diabetic therapy ( Preston et al , 1978 ) , as lipid levels would be expected to be elevated in uncontrolled diabetes and to fall with improved control ( Paisey et al , 1978 ; Simpson et al , 1979 ) .
15 Within this context of the nation as a family , the actions of individuals were expected to be based on selfless service to their immediate group , and thereby to the state .
16 The software is expected to be ported to other microprocessor architectures like the Sparc RISC further down the road .
17 Observers said that the members were expected to be named in late January .
18 From a different perspective such repeated defects of urban policy might be expected to be overcome through local community involvement , yet again the three contributions here demonstrate a complexity which belies naive aspirations .
19 The problem is as Mr has said , if that is expected to be replicated across future years , this would represent a ten percent reduction in the statutory service , er , which is only partly under control of this Committee , with mixed responsibilities with the Registrar General .
20 They have been brought up from Derby and are expected to be used on forthcoming charter excursions , possibly over the Settle-Carlisle line .
21 President Clinton last week announced a plan to add a new Clipper Chip in every government phone and computer line to prevent eavesdropping : the chip was developed by the US National Institute for Standards and Technology , and is expected to be used by commercial and private users as well ; to assure privacy , each chip containing the encryption devices would be assigned two unique keys that will be needed to decode messages ; according to the New York Times , they will be fabricated by Micotronx Inc , Torrance , California and VLSI Technology Inc , San Jose , and AT&T Co says it will incorporate the chip in its secure communications product line .
22 A new constitution , embracing the details of the agreement , was expected to be submitted for popular approval in a referendum before the end of the year .
23 The glossy magazine Vogue is working on a major fashion cover story in the California deserts where top models Christy Turlington and Linda Evangelista are expected to be photographed in natural coloured clothes and decked with bracelets , necklaces and belts made from coarse ropes .
24 ( 5 ) It will be helpful if the announcement of the offer can coincide with positive public relations coverage for the offeror. ( 6 ) Ideally , a bid should not be announced at a time when it will have a reduced impact ( eg on a day which is expected to be dominated by other major financial news or company announcements ) .
25 She had n't expected to be greeted with open arms , but the reception she 'd actually received had shaken her to the core .
26 Next week some laureates will take their campaign to the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva , where their appeal is expected to be backed by other peace prize winners including former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev .
27 In a first phase , in the 12 months starting in June 1992 , loans worth some $2,500 million were expected to be provided for essential imports .
28 The Channel 5 licence is expected to be awarded in early November and be on air at the latest in 1995 .
29 The report is intended as a complement to the International Convention on Biodiversity , which is expected to be signed at UNCED .
30 On the assumption that neither Hezarfen on the one hand nor Ali and Kocu Bey on the other is simply in error , one can perhaps reconcile these two apparently contradictory statements on the grounds either that it was only in the technical matter of the that Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa continued to be regarded as 300-akce kadiliks , their holders actually being given 500 akce a day ; or that , while still being paid only 300 akce a day , they had come to be regarded as 500-akce mevleviyets from the hierarchical point of view , for the obvious reason that they were in fact higher in rank than any of the other kadiliks .
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