Example sentences of "[vb pp] to be [adj] and [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had always hankered to be tall and fair , like Riborg .
2 More problematic for the school as a whole are those initiatives that are designed to be cross-curricular and pervasive : language across the curriculum , maths across the curriculum , computing across the curriculum .
3 Bright states in his introduction that the " audience is seen as academic and professional , but interdisciplinary ; thus articles are designed to be intelligible and useful to people in related disciplines " ( Vol.1 , p. ix ) .
4 It is surely reasonable that taxes should be designed to be easy and cheap to collect , difficult to avoid and should not be a discouragement to the enterprise and effort of those paying them .
5 Our approach is designed to be personal and responsive to our client 's needs .
6 The matrix is designed to be flexible and adaptable so that it can readily be adjusted to respond to needs identified by users .
7 It has a range of public rooms all of which are designed to be light and airy .
8 Under these circumstances bood sizes would be expected to be low and behavioural traits to emphasize careful and effective rearing and foraging under difficult circumstances .
9 My objection was not to discussion of the subject , but to the refusal of those who might be expected to be clear and able spokesmen of the Church to commit themselves to a firm position on right and wrong .
10 Lewis had forgotten to be indifferent and aloof , he could n't help it .
11 The men are claimed to be dishonest and immoral .
12 Blues and greens , for example , are considered to be cool and restful ; yellow is thought of as sunny and gay ; while red , orange and tans are associated with warmth , as are peach and apricot .
13 Thereafter , children will be taught by parents , relations , friends and teachers what is expected of them , and what is considered to be appropriate and inappropriate behaviour .
14 The Hobbesian analogy is considered to be partial and gender-biased .
15 Religion in the West is considered to be serious and solemn and without much humour .
16 Speaking to the Empire State Black Arts and Cultural Festival in Albany , New York , on July 20 , Jeffries made statements which were widely considered to be racist and anti-semitic .
17 Although not a great speaker , Gore was generally considered to be hard-working and conscientious and was renowned as an expert in arms control , defence and foreign policy matters .
18 Although the validity of this method has been confirmed by comparison with other methods , it is now considered to be conventional and artificial .
19 Journalist Victor Guzev , who travels with CSKA , said : ‘ In our society the players are considered to be wealthy and able to afford most things in life .
20 These remarks reveal the irresistible appeal of the playful cat even in an era when felines were generally considered to be evil and dangerous , and were being widely persecuted .
21 However , the Bank may buy in a falling market if the market is considered to be erratic and unstable .
22 Included are a number of ex-Aeroflot Antonov An-2 biplanes which are reported to be airworthy and available for sale at $600 each .
23 Being open and honest about what you are thinking , how you are feeling and why you are doing whatever you are doing is deemed to be efficient and helpful because otherwise people waste precious time and energy trying to ‘ second guess ’ what you are up to .
24 What a child found out for himself was deemed to be real and usable knowledge , while what he learned ‘ parrot-fashion ’ was not .
25 Indeed , if the actions are not deemed to be free and rational ( in the sense that the offenders are capable of understanding their nature , moral meaning and consequences ) then they will not usually be defined as crimes in legal terms .
26 She was decided to be agreeable and unobtrusive .
27 For many people a prime symptom of stress is loss of their sense of humour : playfulness is replaced by earnestness or snappiness ; casual jokes that one would normally return in good spirit are felt to be wounding and hurtful .
28 The nineteenth century brought a new kind of search for the basis and foundation of theology itself ; a fresh attempt to bring human awareness and experience into the centre of theological study ; the forging of more specialised techniques for the literary and historical study of the Bible , techniques whose application helped to raise what were often felt to be disturbing and challenging questions about its meaning and relevance as well as about the standing and authority of established Christian doctrines ; and the sharp new question whether Christian theology itself ought not to be subsumed under some more general study of religion and religions .
29 In spite of accounting for only 0.2 per cent of a beer 's cost , this is naturally felt to be wasteful and undesirable .
30 How could it have felt to be lonely and dumb ?
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