Example sentences of "[vb pp] to be [prep] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The end stage of the pathway is represented by CD4 + CD8 - TCR high+ or CD4 - CD8 + TCR high+ cells ( both are said to be in single positive , or SP , stages ) , which are mostly immediate precursors of major histocompatibility complex ( MHC ) class II-restricted helper T cells and MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T cells , respectively .
2 Because it is seen to be of little direct help to teaching , that knowledge and vocabulary is abandoned and left at the college gates as soon as the BEd exams are over .
3 The ontological version of the argument involves the claim that existential propositions , in the final analysis , can all be shown to be about certain concrete ontological items and attributes of such items .
4 The origin of this unusual monster has been shown to be in Early Dynastic Sumeria ( see p. 146 and fig. 14.29 above ) .
5 As we will discuss later , pathogens in general — including viruses — are now known to be of enormous ecological importance ( see p 132 ) .
6 The disposal of both nuclear and non-nuclear wastes has proved to be of major public concern in recent years .
7 It has proved to be of great popular interest and audiences of more than 200 people have attended the series of lectures on ‘ Studying the Scottish Home ’ , which were held in the Royal Museum of Scotland this winter .
8 Nevertheless , the Court 's recognition of a pre-1788 land claim was widely believed to be of immense symbolic significance .
9 Gen. Saw Maung , the Prime Minister and Chair of the ruling military State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , who was believed to be in poor mental and physical health , relinquished the post of Defence Minister on March 20 , having already given up the Foreign Affairs portfolio in September 1991 [ see p. 38440 ] .
10 The state or polis was a whole , of which individuals were parts , dependent upon it and not self-sufficient , as the individual is often conceived to be in modern liberal thought .
11 Unfortunately there have rarely been precise identifications although two are stated to be of Middle Eastern origin , the Cypraea Arabica from Sarre grave 238 and a tiger cowrie from Haslingfield ( Cambridgeshire ) , whose source is the Red Sea .
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