Example sentences of "[vb pp] to this [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday , a spokesperson would only say : ‘ We are still committed to this part of the scheme and we will be going ahead with it as soon as the funding becomes available . ’
2 Thousands of individuals are being attracted to this scheme by the wide range of benefits being offered ie , cheaper prices , advance bookings , discount theatre tickets for certain performances at council-managed theatres , plus 5% discount off sportswear at Sports Warehouse .
3 Specimens of these butterflies are often found with bite-marks in the region of these false eyes , showing that bird predators really are attracted to this part of the body , allowing the insects to fly off to safety with no more damage than a few frayed edges .
4 I had n't come to this place with the conscious intention of divesting myself of my now cumbersome virginity ; but from the moment I saw the actor again — certainly from the moment his arms went round me and I felt the sense of fond familiarity , of affection rediscovered — I knew it was inevitable that we should , sooner or later , make love .
5 have come to this world of the mortals .
6 Such aspirations , and such a view of the inter-relationship of librarians and educators , are not confined to this side of the Atlantic .
7 Similarly , the term ‘ Middle Ages ’ was applied to this period in the seventeenth century by a German scholar .
8 Hamburg 's reputation as a ‘ sin city ’ is entirely owed to this street in the St Pauli area , and rest assured its reputation is fully deserved .
9 Several modifications have been made to this bridge in the century and a half since its completion , but it remains basically the same bridge that Telford designed , and was one of the great civil-engineering achievements of the period .
10 Wright was probably drawn to this marriage by the offer of a dowry .
11 Public attention had been drawn to this issue in the early 1960s .
12 Where the purchaser and target are both clients of the firm , their attention should be drawn to this fact at the earliest possible stage .
13 The Executive Committee have agreed to this proposal for the following reasons .
14 Grown used to this journey through the night ,
15 ‘ If we were n't tied to this bit of the country , I 'd almost think about chucking it all in and heading off somewhere different — Canada , or Australia , or South Africa . ’
16 Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue of The Gusher — keep it coming in .
17 Farm shops may also have contributed to this decline in the local store .
18 It depends upon the precise accuracy of some observations made in 1715 under the direction of Sir Edmond Halley , later Astronomer Royal and known to this day for the comet that bears his name .
19 According to Atwater , at the time There was nothing new as such about grass roots lobbying , but the sophistication and skill brought to this tactic by the Reaganites in the new conditions of the 1980s was a development of great significance .
20 She determined from the start never to introduce new products unless they were really warranted , and she has stuck to this resolution in the face of increasingly fierce competition .
21 In passing , it is interesting to note that the great stimulus to user education in universities and polytechnics in the UK was also the project method of teaching , and that most of the best programmes in these sectors are still linked to this part of the student 's course .
22 ( iv ) Development of oesophageal ulceration after emergency sclerotherapy delayed randomisation as it was felt that its pressure would increase the hazards of oesophageal transection in patients randomised to this arm of the trial .
23 In her book on Jewish feminist theology , Standing Again at Sinai , Judith Plaskow has pointed to this paralleling of the impurity of gentiles and the impurity of ( Jewish ) women in biblical and rabbinic thought .
24 Since John wrote , Wrigley and Schofield 's calculation of the consumption — production ratio has pointed to this period before the industrial revolution as having been " very fortunate " in that the age structure meant a smaller dependency burden of non-working children than was to become the case in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
25 A not insignificant push was given to this development with the decline in morale among expatriate workers in the oil industry following the assassination of a senior oil-company secondee near Ahwaz late in 1978 .
26 The yawning gap in that knowledge should now be filled by the publicity given to this case during the public hearings and , we trust , by the publication of our report , ( London Borough of Brent , 1985 , p.83 ) ( My emphasis . )
27 This has seriously weakened the therapeutic and remedial potential of supervision orders and it is to be hoped that greater priority will be given to this area in the next few years .
28 The problem for many organisations is that little time , or thought , is given to this aspect of the firm 's infrastructure .
29 One interpretation given to this phrase in the 1980s was that a work of art should openly contest a given fact of political or social life in a more or less explicit way .
30 Some substance is given to this connection by the comparison of a passage , in Arabic , in a biography by Mank Ali with Ata'i 's version , in Ottoman , of the same facts .
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