Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] as [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 The AA Foundation study also suggests that car radio/cassette players should be designed to be as automatic as possible , and sold with an information leaflet highlighting the possible influences of music on driving .
2 BBCBASIC(Z80) has been designed to be as compatible as possible with Version 4 of the 6502 BBC BASIC resident in the BBC Micro Master series .
3 Human beings are expected to be as mechanical as the musak .
4 ‘ She felt pressurised that she would be expected to be as career-orientated as she was before having the baby , ’ says Sandra , ‘ so she works with us because we are relaxed about it — if she does n't want to work on Wednesday , that 's fine , she can work on Friday instead .
5 On the point of commenting scathingly that not everyone could be expected to be as cold-blooded as he was , Gina hesitated , finally deciding that in this case discretion was certainly the better part of valour .
6 The fastest growth will occur in the electrical sector , with overall rates of 7 per cent pa , but uncertainty over recycling will damage prospects for the automotive polyesters — annual growth is forecast to be as low as 2 per cent for cars and 1.7 per cent for commercial vehicles .
7 A century ago it was considered to be as good as the Normande , and better as a butcher 's beast , but a combination of war and frontier changes led to its deterioration ; it was crossed with Danish Red as well as Belgian Red to form the Flemish Red , which is usually whole red , though some have mottled or blazed faces .
8 Subsequently , they have been reported to be as effective as corticosteroids in treating patients with active Crohn 's disease , and one controlled , but non-randomised trial suggested that elemental diet was actually superior to corticosteroid treatment .
9 In addition , measurements of prolonged squeezing were not recorded in the two studies where biofeedback was reported to be as effective as conventional medical treatment .
10 The overall abstention rate was reported to be as high as 55 per cent of the electorate of 2,200,000 .
11 She was implying , plain enough , that no one else could be trusted to be as thorough as herself .
12 He had therefore decided to be as charming as possible to her during the summer holiday in Italy — as soon as he had managed to persuade her to let him join the family there .
13 In all three studies , the children were selected to be as representative as possible and in each case they were asked to perform exhaustive intelligence tests and behavioural exercises .
14 ‘ You may have thought that things had gotten to be as bad as they could get , but Mr Koons ' show proves you were wrong , ’ wrote one particularly shrill reviewer .
15 It lives in large family groups and is said to be as shy as it is fearsome-looking .
16 It 's said to be as effective as the pill and experts say it 'll widen the choice for women .
17 The pun on Spinoza was too good for Coleridge to resist , and the remarkable nose he attributed to Walsh may well have been borrowed from his memories of the innkeeper at the Castle of Comfort , on the road from Stowey to Holford : his nose , which was locally famous , was said to be as big as a fist and ‘ well warted ’ .
18 Since " murder " is a strong term and some killings are not seen to be as heinous as the archetypal murder case , the retention of a second form of criminal killing is probably a good idea .
19 Some of the girls pictured were thought to be as young as 6 .
20 A schoolgirl thought to be as young as twelve has knocked down a pedestrian while driving a stolen car .
21 This Astra was stolen by 5 teenagers , some of whom are thought to be as young as 13 .
22 Many problems which we are prepared to treat as bipolar have ramifications which could be taken into account if they were thought to be as important as the impact of the decision on the two contestants .
23 Coffee decaffeinated by chemicals is generally thought to be as harmful as the beans containing caffeine , so always look for the water processed decaffeinated coffee .
24 He would have had to be as different as T. S. Eliot ; and there 's an end of that speculation !
25 It had got to be as near as thi thinness of tissue paper .
26 Actually , I like a nice bath now and then , and I 've got to be as fresh as possible for Tina , my childhood sweetheart .
27 It is important that the senior management is briefed to be as open as possible at such meetings , otherwise the value of them tends to be diminished .
28 Elemental diet has been shown to be as beneficial as corticosteroid treatment in children with Crohn 's disease .
29 For example , brief counselling by general practitioners has been shown to be as effective as benzodioazepine tranquillizers for patients with minor affective disorders of recent onset ( Catalan et al. 1984b ) .
30 ’ I have n't been on the stage for a long time , so I 'm bound to be as nervous as a kitten before I go on .
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