Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] [adv] more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Could cars be designed to be much more efficient than the eighteen percent you quote ?
2 Although not all newspapers were affected to the same degree , the trend towards more ‘ sensation ’ and more ‘ sport ’ suggested that the ‘ reader was expected to be intellectually more passive … attracted less by the prospect of greater wisdom than by that of ‘ Elevated ’ status , and he was now appealed to in a shrill capitalised format ’ .
3 But for the Munitions of War Act of July 1915 which enabled the Board of Trade if necessary to impose arbitrated settlements on unwilling employers , the union 's policy of patriotic co-operation must surely have failed and within a month of the passing of that Act the waters were muddied by another development which the union considered to be even more sinister — the demand from the " Reptile press represented by the Daily Mail , Times and associate journals " , for conscription .
4 Indeed , they may be considered to be much more practical than the visions given to us by politicians and hence may be more likely to have support .
5 For longer-distance migration the destinations are likely to be places that are better known to tourists or are considered to be scenically more attractive .
6 Supermarket and shop owners , having anticipated the price freeze by raising prices in advance , refused to restock with meat , milk , rice and cooking oil , claiming that it was now uneconomic to sell such products ; general shortages of basic food commodities and the growth of a black market for food were reported to be much more prevalent than during the previous four price freezes since 1986 .
7 In the elucidation of disease and its treatment , while the patient was standing by , Coleman was said to be even more successful .
8 Lyons , in fact , concedes ( b ) : ‘ I am only too prepared to accept that in other traditions scribal records either are not or are not seen to be intrinsically more reliable than memory and oral transmission . ’
9 Lim 's sources of information were seen to be much more effective than the Army 's compromised intelligence gathering network , as evidenced by the fact that four of the chief rebel officers captured since the coup attempt had been tracked down and arrested by the police .
10 Indeed , the theodicy question as to how one could ever use such texts as a medium through which to worship God may be thought to be even more insoluble than is Schüssler Fiorenza 's finding inspiration in the early Christian community .
11 It would seem that composers have preferred to be formally more complex in first movements .
12 Other drugs , such as azathioprine were soon shown to be even more effective ; and azathioprine was very quickly used for human kidney transplants , and produced a dramatic improvement in their survival .
13 Medication Imipramine ( a tricyclic antidepressant , Tofranil ) is the only drug that has been shown to be significantly more effective than a placebo in reducing wetting frequency .
14 In a company with a substantial reputation for innovative dosage forms , and expertise in their manufacture , the formulation development activity is bound to be intellectually more demanding .
15 Almost all the surviving evidence for the streets is confined to the walled area which enclosed 8 ha ( 20 acres ) , even though occupation debris is known to be far more extensive .
16 The project concentrates on the accurate modelling of female labour market behaviour because it is known to be considerably more sensitive to changes in the structure of incentives than is the case for males .
17 The African land snail , by contrast , is now known to be much more choosy , with a complex courtship in which suitors are often unceremoniously rejected .
18 A council spokesman said : ‘ It has been found to be far more accurate than other methods .
19 In addition the infrared detectors have proved to be much more stable than anyone had dared to predict .
20 It seem to me erm that was er much more intended to be much more restrictive I think than than I would suggest our policy E two is now .
21 For to compensate for any increased leisure time which the acquisition of machinery could bring , women are encouraged to be generally more house-proud .
22 In the last few decades , however , the simple atoms of the early atomic theories have been discovered to be much more complex than was originally thought , and physicists are continually finding more and more sub-atomic particles .
23 Battles had begun to be much more dispersed affairs , but the internal-combustion engine had not yet scattered them over hundreds of miles .
24 I think that that trend is , on the whole , a fairly healthy one , and it 's meant the schools have begun to be far more conscious about their responsibilities , not just in general , but , but about particular responsibilities , erm responsibilities such as erm dealing more effectively with handicapped pupils , dealing with ethnic minorities and so on , again erm issues which other people in the series will be talking about .
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