Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] [adv] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Through careful negotiation with the client it is important that each stage on the programme is designed to be only approximately ten units of anxiety or difficulty greater than the previous stage .
2 Could cars be designed to be much more efficient than the eighteen percent you quote ?
3 The fact that there is a difference comes as no surprise , after all , a completely empty , uneventful drive through a junction would be expected to be both less memorable and less risky than an occasion when the junction was full of traffic .
4 Although not all newspapers were affected to the same degree , the trend towards more ‘ sensation ’ and more ‘ sport ’ suggested that the ‘ reader was expected to be intellectually more passive … attracted less by the prospect of greater wisdom than by that of ‘ Elevated ’ status , and he was now appealed to in a shrill capitalised format ’ .
5 Nevertheless , the total number of items is expected to be well over 20,000 .
6 ( In the year 2000 the number of homes with either cable or satellite is expected to be just over 10 million . )
7 In future , the primary rental will be abolished , and the new costs of maintaining their own transmission systems plus paying for the licence are expected to be considerably less expensive .
8 With so much pollution flowing down the Taff and Ely rivers , there is little or no prospect of the 600-acre lake being used for contact water sports — the health risks are expected to be far too high .
9 That is expected to be in about four to six years .
10 Therefore the proportion of households headed by a married couple has been decreasing through time — it was 74 per cent in 1971 , 70 per cent in 1981 , and is expected to be only about 55 per cent in 2001 in England and Wales ( Department of the Environment , 1986a ) .
11 Visibility had been forecast to be generally over ten kilometres , but falling to three to five kilometres in drizzle , with scattered stratocumulus cloud to the east of the area , base 2,000 feet , increasing to broken cover to the west with a base of 1,500–2,000 feet , with occasional scattered/broken stratus base 800–1,000 feet .
12 This duality of matter and spirit implied a hypocrisy which unsympathetic observers considered to be not merely all-pervasive but a fundamental characteristic of the bourgeois world .
13 But for the Munitions of War Act of July 1915 which enabled the Board of Trade if necessary to impose arbitrated settlements on unwilling employers , the union 's policy of patriotic co-operation must surely have failed and within a month of the passing of that Act the waters were muddied by another development which the union considered to be even more sinister — the demand from the " Reptile press represented by the Daily Mail , Times and associate journals " , for conscription .
14 Working on a quality paper , where journalists have more room for the finer points and a more informed audience , is considered to be much less demanding .
15 Indeed , they may be considered to be much more practical than the visions given to us by politicians and hence may be more likely to have support .
16 For longer-distance migration the destinations are likely to be places that are better known to tourists or are considered to be scenically more attractive .
17 Oh it was it was yes , some people were considered to be very very good at building a load .
18 In contrast , trade unions in France had too little organisational strength in the workplace to be able to inflict major economic losses on the firm and they were considered to be too ideologically radical to be permitted a higher degree of participation .
19 Supermarket and shop owners , having anticipated the price freeze by raising prices in advance , refused to restock with meat , milk , rice and cooking oil , claiming that it was now uneconomic to sell such products ; general shortages of basic food commodities and the growth of a black market for food were reported to be much more prevalent than during the previous four price freezes since 1986 .
20 Morgan , acting as a consultant to the SBSA , did not provoke a public run on the bank and withdrawals were reported to be only slightly higher than normal .
21 Using a definition of unfair trade based on " internationally accepted rules , as set out in GATT [ General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ] , and in comparable international agreements " , the report indicted the USA for employing unfair trade practices in nine out of the 10 areas where offences were deemed to be most internationally common .
22 The quality papers , which published extracts from Peter Wright 's MI5 memoir , Spycatcher , were deemed to be almost as seditious .
23 just as cliché haunted Henry 's daily journey to the train , his socks from Marks and Spencers ' , his regular nightly bedtime , his fondness for a cup of tea at ten thirty in the evening , just as he seemed to be destined to be as remorselessly English as the plane trees in the street outside or the homecoming commuters clacking through the twilight towards the village , so his one existential act ( had n't someone called it that ? ) seemed destined for suburban predictability .
24 A striking example of their dissociation is provided by the following exchange : on the one hand , Runciman takes it for granted that methodological individualism is ‘ now generally conceded to be almost trivially true ’ , while on the other Torrance asserts that ‘ In so far as methodological individualism is true it is trivial and irrelevant to sociology , while in so far as it is used to curb or dictate explanatory methods it is either incoherent or false ’ .
25 Moving house is reckoned to be nearly as stressful as divorce or coping with bereavement .
26 It is true that God is not yet totally banished from his creation , but having made it and all that is in it , rather like a watchmaker constructs a timepiece , he is felt to be no longer necessary to explain the inner workings of the mechanism .
27 But when it comes to ensuring that public bodies act reasonably and within their powers , it is often felt to be much less clear how the law ought to be enforced .
28 One aim of the network would be to hasten the entry of new research into clinical practice — a process that most researchers have long felt to be much too slow .
29 In the elucidation of disease and its treatment , while the patient was standing by , Coleman was said to be even more successful .
30 If the information has been divulged to sufficient people so that it can be said to be no longer confidential , an injunction will not be of any help ; it would be like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted .
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