Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 The Precision bass , however , was designed to be tuned down an octave from a guitar 's lower four strings .
2 Mr but you must have therefore suggested it to them then that er the service charges needed to be updated once a year
3 Then , feeling perhaps that things needed to be put on a proper footing , ‘ Veronica Totteridge .
4 For what it 's worth , Silicon Graphics Inc and MIPS Computer Systems Inc are understood to be drawing together a new executive-level technical committee of the Advanced Computing Environment .
5 ‘ I must not be understood to be laying down a rule that in no case where a wife acts on her husband 's instructions and under his influence is it necessary to show that she has received independent advice .
6 Ford rumoured to be bringing out a new Capri — a nation quakes
7 If patients were known to be moving away a letter detailing their surveillance history was sent to their doctor or next supervising consultant .
8 — JOHN Davison 's European title challenge to Fabrice Benichou , scheduled for May 15 in France , is set to be put back a fortnight .
9 Originating applications form a residual category , being the appropriate originating process for any proceedings authorised to be brought in a county court and not required by any Act or rule to be commenced otherwise .
10 I think in some ways it 's better , because girls are meant to get on better in the sciences in girls ' schools ; they 're meant to be pushed backwards a bit in boys ' schools .
11 No I asked her to start but that 's all , and I kept that in the meant to be setting up a place in the posh area but they got ta have
12 The view that almost everyone except the Commission subscribed to was summed up a few years later by the UN Economic Commission for Europe when it wrote in a report on damage surveys in many countries : ‘ Research results obtained so far indicate that air pollution is an essential , causal factor in the destabilisation of forests or even in the breakdown of some forest ecosystems . ’
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