Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [verb] over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We have shown that these word matches occur so frequently that competing hypotheses can not be pursued and compared over the length of the entire utterance .
2 And then a bit later , her poor father , may the Lord have mercy on him , went out one evening with his wits scattered and fell over the cliff into the quarry . ’
3 Various other formats have come and gone over the years , but these are the ones which have become established and likely to remain for the foreseeable future .
4 Few people can appreciate Basil 's contribution for none of the present generation started with him in the County , and none of those who have come and gone over the years has ever had the same influence with the teachers for he had a diffidence and a modesty which helped then , a lot .
5 In fairness to the young girls who had come and gone over the years , he had deliberately picked well-stacked , dimwitted types whose only claim to fame was the fact that they were a good lay .
6 As for Selene , she was already doing as she was bidden and making over the dresses till new ones could be bought .
7 The numerous fissures there , which came to be known as the Back Strings , represent these early excavations upon the vein outcrops , though they have been modified and deepened over the years .
8 Perhaps it should come as no surprise then that his approach to the Eighth Symphony has broadened and mellowed over the years , losing in the process much of its Russian accent and instead seeking out more refined , more purely musical nuances .
9 His favourite horse was shot and draped over the grave and a dreamer bell was suspended over the chief 's body , to ring in the wind until a white man stole it in 1874 .
10 While Dylan 's is the voice of death , despair , loss , wrack and ruin , Young 's call , seemingly polished and matured over the years , speaks of hope , regeneration and humility , reaching a peak on the heartbreaking beauty of ‘ Such A Woman ’ .
11 The present school , 1862 , has been greatly altered and extended over the years .
12 One tree in a school near Worcester has remained in its original position , while the buildings around it have been demolished and rebuilt over the centuries .
13 The King 's horse , given all the conditions described above , could well have slipped and tumbled over the cliffs , taking his rider with him .
14 Because of debts they are often forced to sell their land and therefore lose the means of livelihood that their family has known and understood over the generations .
15 A large map , or picture , was unrolled and hung over the blackboard .
16 As I sit here with my cardigan sleeves rolled up , I reflect on the two alternatives — having them unrolled and falling over the typewriter keys or ignoring the instructions and making the sleeves a more suitable length in the first place .
17 After 1998 , these figures start being ‘ phased down ’ by ½ per cent a year , so that anyone retiring after the year 2008 gets only 20 per cent ( one fifth ) of their relevant earnings , after they have been revalued and averaged over the whole of the working life .
18 On encoffining , the hood would be unfolded and drawn over the face , the top sheet turned up and tucked in around the neck , if not higher .
19 When the average intelligent person sees the wreckage of a crashed aircraft greatly disintegrated and spread over the accident site , the question he would put to the investigator is almost invariably the same : ‘ How on earth can you find out the cause of that mess ? ’
20 The projects will be supported and supervised over the summer months by staff of the Enterprise Centre .
21 This , together with the political dimension , means that it is hardly surprising that problems such as the inner cities tend to be defined and redefined over the years .
22 And is n't that just the case with everything you gone and done over the centuries of black oppression ?
23 The first canal tunnels were built without towing paths which meant that horses had to be unhitched and led over the top of the tunnel while the boat was taken through it .
24 These would be removed and stored over the Christmas period but later re-instated– .
25 These would be removed and stored over the Christmas period but later re-instated ’ .
26 That battle had been fought and won over the Beveridge report .
27 Concentrating on the poems themselves , she traces a network there , constantly reproduced and extended over the decades , of specifically female genital images .
28 Black shadows arced and jiggered over the walls .
29 This resulted in the need for protective piers and breakwaters which required to be extended and strengthened over the years to allow further development .
30 The criteria for listing have changed and broadened over the years to include more Victorian buildings and , subsequently , more twentieth-century buildings .
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