Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The odds were 7–2 that I would disappear with the money before we even started , even money that I 'd wait until the houses were built and leg it with the money , ’ recalls the London born-and-bred ‘ community builder ’ , with all the relish of a man who beat the bookies .
2 And adequate software must be made available to ensure G M B activists can put into practice what they 've been taught and use it to the labour movement 's advantage .
3 His aims are thus established from the outset both to record the evidence he has gathered and to evaluate it for the purposes of determining the truth .
4 Make sure the macaroni is well drained and place it in a bowl along with the celery , onion , parsley , green and red peppers , salts and pepper .
5 And best of all , the Royston , Hertfordshire-based company has simply taken technology that it has already developed and used it in a creative way , which means the newspaper should be relatively cheap — no pricing was available , however , as the firm builds bespoke systems to suit a customers individual needs .
6 So it 's floated and knitted it on the back .
7 To join , just complete the simple Enrolment Form enclosed and return it in the pre-paid envelope provided .
8 There was not a needy person among them , for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them , and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles ’ feet ; and distribution was made to each as any had need' ( Acts 4:32 , 34–5 ) .
9 Alternatively , you could decorate the order of service , if one was printed , or even write out the words of one of the hymns used and frame it with a selection of the pressed flowers .
10 If , a week ago , someone had told her it might happen to her she would have laughed and treated it as a huge joke .
11 And her suppliant 's face , round and even in this twilight , thickly flushed in the hectic way that he had seen before , repulsed him and made him take her by the arm she had raised and move it like a detached limb back to her side .
12 He declined to make a decision on whether persons responsible for the shooting should be prosecuted and forwarded it to the Attorney General for the United Kingdom .
13 ‘ I 've known and loved it over the years , and always wanted to put it on an album .
14 Yet it was not beyond the power of reason and foresight to know that the days of the Indian Empire were numbered , if not in years , still in decades : the best and the wisest of the British in India had known and said it from the beginning .
15 But , within a couple of months of coming to the throne , Siraj-ud-Daula marched on Calcutta , seized and plundered it after a few days of frantic but ill-prepared resistance , and allowed the few British survivors of the seige to be locked up in the prison of the fortress for the night .
16 Then , after the old guy has examined , weighed and wrapped it in a turquoise napkin , we get our gold , in little ingots the size of collar studs .
17 Two men climb the rock to check that all has been eaten and to clean it for the next burial .
18 Please indicate your acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by signing the enclosed duplicate copy in the space indicated and returning it to the undersigned at the letterhead address .
19 Ken Russell took the removal of restraint and stiff-upper-lip repression that American finance had encouraged and turned it into a distinctive aesthetic style .
20 The Earl of Salisbury , director of government intelligence ( and chief minister of the realm ) , infiltrated and masterminded it as a timely and much-needed device to make permanent the rule of the same monarch and régime .
21 ‘ The lease for the tenancy of the flat in Charles Street arrived yesterday and I have signed and returned it to the agent , ’ he told Alice .
22 We have n't opened the toilet block as yet , because if you remember that the Recreation Ground Committee , we 're opening it in the er after the school has started and shutting it before the school ends , so that we do n't have the problems of vandalism which we 've had in the past , hopefully .
23 THE woman juror whose looks prompted a man to wolf-whistle at her in court yesterday said she was secretly flattered and took it as a compliment .
24 When Dixie Dean was on holiday in Ayr , he noticed that a professional sprint was to be held and entered it as an outsider and won ; he thereby not only demonstrated the outstanding athletic abilities of top footballers ( Matthews was also a fine athlete ) , but underlined the survival of the old pedestrian traditions at the new resorts catering for working-class holiday-makers .
25 Would you please fill in the slip below indicating to which course you wish to be attached and return it to the office as soon as possible .
26 Yeoman described and illustrated it in an article in the Gentleman 's Magazine in March 1748 , and is known to have erected one at Northampton .
27 At this point you should elicit related forms ; for example , the plurals of nouns in Arabic are not predictable , so it is useful to elicit the plural of every new noun learnt and to add it to the dictionary entry for that word .
28 It then borrows the capital required and invests it in the asset .
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