Example sentences of "[vb pp] back to [art] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 It was in fact a long time before all the rabbits had come back to the hollow in the middle of the field .
2 This is a confidential document and considerable care is taken to ensure that it can not be related back to the company in question , although there is always an element of trade off between absolute confidentiality and achieving the desired results .
3 At that point then you were airlifted back to a hospital in Aberdeen .
4 And when we watch these films again , fifteen years later , how often do we find ourselves drawn back to the world in which we first saw them ?
5 Er in fact the discussion on Friday was re tied back to the criterion in the County Council 's er policy which says , be capable of being assimilated satisfactorily into the local landscape which in the course of the discussion , was erm extended to also take on board the possibility that it could be located where it may produce environmental improvements on the use of derelict land .
6 As for Mary Alice , she was flown back to the USA in June 1945 , some 11 months after her original crew .
7 Not only did the existence of a divided society help fuel party tensions under William and Anne , but taking the longer perspective covered by this book as a whole , it might even be fair to suggest that the emergence of the party divide amongst the political elite was itself a symptom of the bitter divisions that already existed in this society , divisions which we have traced back to the Restoration in 1660 .
8 Among those giving evidence were two care workers , who said the girl regularly arrived back to the home in the early hours of the morning and sometimes not at all .
9 Several months ago she was enticed back to the Lion in partnership with Mr Ashworth .
10 Once all internal associations are achieved and the geometry fixed ( ie the assembly becomes a group of completed parts ) , the external associations can be re-assigned back to the assembly in order to reduce the complexity of the computational procedures .
11 She waved and I did a U-turn — taxis are ace at that — and headed back to the nightmare in the bathroom .
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