Example sentences of "[vb pp] up his [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Midani , who also owned two French chateaux , a Cannes hilltop villa and a townhouse in Paris , had built up his collection during the last ten years of his life .
2 Well obviously he 's built up his clientele over the years
3 Cranmer finally hung up his boots in the early 1970s , when his journalistic work and broadcasting also ended .
4 The only clue so far discovered of any value to a possible dating of his return is the fact that , according to Bursali Mehmed Tahir , there exists a copy of one of his most famous works , the written in his own hand , presented to Mehmed II , and dated 878/1473–4 it would not thus be unreasonable to suppose that Molla Husrev wrote the copy especially for Mehmed II , this in turn suggesting that by 878 Molla Husrev had made up his quarrel with the sultan and had perhaps returned to Istanbul .
5 Mrs Bridges maintained : ‘ Mr Newton admitted on Friday that he had made up his end of the story .
6 The sky had darkened to violet by the time Mortimer had formed up his troops for the march out of town , and a star-speckled dome was overhead when the column of fifty Marines , plus Benny , Ace and Petion marched out of Port-au-Prince at a slight jog .
7 The themes centred around the lone legionnaire who has given up his past for the Legion , yet still longs for his former life and forgotten loves , his home and his happiness .
8 James Menzies had locked up his warehouse for the day and come over in time to be included in the lengthening list .
9 On coming ashore Charles Newman had set up his headquarters near the bridge ( 'G' ) across the lock leading from the Entrance .
10 Yet by March the next year , Brian Courtenay had set up his mistress in the luxury love nest that would help to empty the family coffers .
11 He had them set up his bier at the end of the hall , draped in black velvet , and its handles tasselled in black and gold .
12 Hugh Gaitskell , a leader of the strongly pro-American faction , later summed up his impressions of the relationship .
13 . ’ Gibbon had followed up his opposition to the girl by ‘ acts of personal hostility to me ’ .
14 A new director has taken up his post at the State Hermitage .
15 The suggestion is he has topped up his stake in the past few weeks when Grand Met 's shares have been weak , falling from 658p .
16 He had held up his head in the most exalted company .
17 A SCHOOLBOY brandishing a toy gun jokingly held up his mum in the street — and triggered a police alert .
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