Example sentences of "[vb pp] if [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The other factor we should also bear in mind is the great majority of the people are not only not interested , they 're basically hostile the whole business and I think that members may not have really noticed if they looked at the European newspaper , the highest ever figure , fifty three percent of all the people of Britain are now totally and completely opposed to the whole business of the E C , they do n't think it 's a good idea .
2 I 've got some olive oil but I 've noticed if you look on the olive oil that some of the , some of it is n't mono unsaturates is it , you know , on a lot of it
3 I daresay it can be done if you think of the kind of economic growth rates produced by places like South Korea …
4 This is clearly seen if one jumps to the ‘ ideal ’ world of CIM , with its notions of ‘ ghost factories ’ operating with minimal human interference .
5 We may say that a criterion of legal validity or source of law is supreme if rules identified by reference to it are still recognized as rules of the system , even if they conflict with rules identified by reference to the other criteria , whereas rules identified by reference to the latter are not so recognized if they conflict with the rules identified by reference to the supreme criterion .
6 In sum , compared with homes , schools provide a significantly reduced opportunity for children to learn through talk with an adult , and in those conversations that do occur , children find themselves forced into the respondent role , their contributions for the most part only being valued if they contribute to the teacher 's predetermined line of thought .
7 That 's right , and I think what has been shown if you look at the behaviour of organisations sometimes after a disaster erm those that think in that way actually create even more procedures .
8 We 've been told if we go over the two pound , they wo n't sell , sell so well , erm , so really I 'm not too sure , but er , I , I can work on bigger , er , like I got this couple of days off living Manchester , I 'm sure if I approach erm , you know , the police , they might give me a couple of days selling out there .
9 In the simplest form the word will only be verified if it exists in the dictionary .
10 Successful borrowing and taxing were different sides of the same sound coin of reputation , but their relationship can best be understood if we look at the pattern and structure of each in turn .
11 Similarly , light tries to travel in a straight line , but the curvature of space-time near the sun causes the light from distant stars to be bent if it passes near the sun .
12 The world is a patch-work of different colours : the animal is only camouflaged if it settles in the right place .
13 In thanking my right hon. Friend for that answer , may I ask him to have regard to the stresses and strains that already exist in a predominantly Christian European Community and to consider whether they would be increased if we admitted to the Community nations with a predominantly Islamic culture ?
14 The movement is one to be welcomed if it proceeds along the right lines , the lines along which it may develop and not hamper national life .
15 He said he was threatened that his career was finished if he voted against the Government .
16 In the UK , the Public Order Act , with its Incitement to Racial Hatred clause , is likely to be invoked if anyone dealing in the games is arrested .
17 can be obtained if you write to the
18 Animals willingly submit to being killed if they approve of the hunter or his actions .
19 You may have heard of a technique called ‘ path analysis ’ and have wondered if it referred to the methods discussed in this chapter .
20 He further said that Mobutu had lost the people 's confidence and could be imprisoned if he remained in the country .
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