Example sentences of "[vb pp] by the [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The public system of child care in the UK has been dominated by the twin themes of rescue and compensation .
2 By the time the pop charts were dominated by the girl groups of the '60s , the split was n't as apparent .
3 In this case , the dictionary was partitioned by word length and , for any length , was sorted by the vector sequences of the words in descending order .
4 Set up four months ago , it consists of a couple of corrugated iron buildings surrounded by the twig shelters of the 3000 families that the government says live there .
5 I squeezed my way out to find at the foot of the cathedral steps the white helmets of a military band celebrating Easter state-style , surrounded by the boy soldiers of Peru in grey , black and khaki , armed with machine-guns .
6 There is little industry except the old dog mill which now makes plastic chairs and the new brewery which brews real ale , but being surrounded by the power stations of Drax , Eggborough , Ferrybridge and Thorpe Marsh , it makes a good base for power station workers , who can move for promotion without uprooting their families .
7 This year there are going to be at least seven conferences , organised by the fan clubs around the country .
8 Most of the funds withdrawn are actually from unit trusts owned by the life insurers through subsidiaries , and a switch away from unit trusts will be a substantial structural change , as life companies held 44 per cent of unit trust funds at the end of 1989 .
9 Precision laser fire from an altitude would be reflected , scattered by the vitrodur shields of the city 's architecture .
10 We consider that if judges are approached by the broadcasting authorities with a request to take part in a broadcast on some special occasion , the judge concerned ought to consult the Lord Chancellor , who would always be ready to express his opinion on the particular request .
11 The Jamtlands Folk Bank was approached by the tax authorities for details of the balances of account holders and of interest receipts .
12 And waited , tired out from the effort , ( raised voices outside , muffled by the plastic curtains of the door ) , until he came back in with another bulb .
13 The expulsion of the money-lenders from the Jerusalem Temple and the overturning of their tables was not expunged by the gospel writers as an unworthy , improper or inappropriate response from Jesus .
14 The ways in which the experiments leading to the above description have been done are varied ( although again constrained by the boundary conditions of some ideal configurations being impracticable ) .
15 In so far as they have grown up in an ad hoc fashion , designed by the art colleges on an individual basis , it is difficult to generalize about them .
16 The better explanation remains that the policy pursued by the trade unions during the winter of discontent did indeed mark a return to normality .
17 And in the County Council 's view this is a matter to be resolved by the district councils in their own plans .
18 ‘ The rural aspect of the village is being eroded by the leisure facilities of the hotel , ’ he said .
19 The practicalities are being considered by the research councils in the Department of Education in Northern Ireland .
20 The bulk of government investment was made to facilitate property purchase , considered by the programme implementers as the most effective way to stabilise the area .
21 This list is circulated to the business units and the issues must be addressed by the business units in their plans .
22 Pet Plan , who currently insure over 325,000 animals , are giving away 100 Pet Value policies — which will be presented by the rescue charities to selected members of the public who adopt one of their animals during National Pet Week .
23 The scheme will help fund many organisations that would like to provide care but have been hampered by the set-up costs of training staff and making the premises safe .
24 A patch of red soon appeared in retaliation at the other end of the ground but both were quickly silenced by the twin evils of an unimportant match and a cold , dull afternoon .
25 These are absorbed by the root hairs against a concentration gradient .
26 To procure a steeper cut-off than is exhibited by the frequency responses of the simple C-R or L-R low and high-pass filters , further reactive components must be added to the network .
27 A further point is that departmental officials ( and client groups ) might feel threatened by the policy implications of performance measurement , as might ‘ a Cabinet of ministers committed to a party programme and to ways of winning the next general election ’ ( Lee , 1984 , p. 5 ) .
28 A bitter and complex dispute was decided by the crown jurists in the interests of the foreros ( 1763 ) , and when the entailed lands of the nobility and the church estates were put on the market by the liberal legislation of the nineteenth century they purchased their foros and became the outright owners of land they had rented ; they became foristas .
29 But on top of that one must then look into the future , the future supply of such properties , and the future o er of a whole range of issues which may occur locally and which can only really be decided by the district councils in their local plan work .
30 Most of the work on the land was done by the villa slaves under the eagle eye of the owner , and it was the way he organised his labourers which produced the better results .
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