Example sentences of "[vb pp] with [adj] [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It would involve the abandonment of rigid conceptualism : the rejection , in other words , of a formal mechanical set of criteria adding up to the concept of adultery which allows hard problems to be solved with apparent ease by simply referring to a formula without examining the deeper issues of justice involved in the case .
2 He criticized neo-classical economics for assuming that the actors in a market-place had perfect information and acted with supreme rationality to further their financial best interests .
3 But it is interesting because , in Belgium petrol has been dosed with Australian lead for more than 10 years .
4 In particular , mammalian chromosomes are infested with large families of highly repetitive DNA of no known function ( New Scientist , vol 96 , p 664 ) that , according to the tenets of selfish genetics , may contribute to nothing but its own propagation .
5 Dr Malcolm Anderson , one of the researchers from University Hospital , Nottingham , said the screening service was inundated with large numbers of mildly abnormal smear results .
6 Groupe Axime SA , France 's third-largest software and systems integration house , reported net profit equivalent to $2.9m for the first half of its 1992-93 fiscal year to December 31 , compared with net losses for both the first half and the full year 1991-92 .
7 Before the Gulf war the International Civil Aviation Organisation forecast that international scheduled-passenger traffic in the region would grow by 10.5% a year to the end of the century , compared with global growth of only 6.7% .
8 Tomy 's extra special baby care products are packed with innovative features for both you and your baby .
9 When similar proposals have been made in the past they have been greeted with well-founded objections on both moral and empirical grounds , given the known inaccuracy of existing predic-tion techniques ( see Bottoms , 1977 ; Radzinowicz and Hood , 1979 ; Bottoms and Brownsword , 1993 ) .
10 At worst they see the future as two motorway lanes blocked with slow lorries with just the outside lane for the car driver .
11 A spokesman said it appeared the Escort XR3i collided with parked vehicles at 9pm on Monday and the driver then abandoned the car .
12 Since ApT , GpT and GpC are cut with similar efficiency in both ( AT ) n and ( GC ) n sequences we have examined the cleavage of two fragments containing both types of sites .
13 He was on remand charged with criminal damage after allegedly setting fire to his girlfriend ; s house .
14 In the same period , contracts were signed with foreign contractors for more than $27 million .
15 The principal new result to come from this work is that bright-point flares are often associated with increased emission in much larger structures .
16 It has never been docile — the press was resisted with great violence in both North and South Shields in the early nineteenth century — but it has always been ordered .
17 Paradoxically it could result from an actual general improvement in standards combined with expanding opportunities in further and higher education .
18 Maybe she had finished with sexual intercourse for ever , maybe it was this possibility that gave her this peculiar conviction of strength , this sense of invulnerability , of certainty , of power .
19 ‘ Now to the remains of the infant I shall call Subject B. Examination of the pelvis usually allows sex to be determined with great confidence in very young children and even in the foetus .
20 In any event , points out Gibbons , if the pool price rises sharply , as many predict , they are still faced with major discontinuity in very difficult economic conditions .
21 For the first 77 years of its life , the company was based in Newcastle and established with great help from possibly the most famous Darlingtonian , Edward Pease .
22 And then the plate , piled high with sprouts and potatoes and gravy and topped with succulent slices of perfectly roasted breast of chicken , coated with a crispy surface of parsley , pepper and thallium , would land before Mrs Farr .
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