Example sentences of "[vb pp] to be [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 This fascinating document , completed in 1941 , after its aged author had once again perambulated the African continent , shows the extent to which accommodation to change and the continuation of control were considered to be compatible goals of policy .
2 His landscapes were considered to be supreme examples of photographic technique , a number of them being published .
3 His landscapes were considered to be supreme examples of photographic technique , a number of them being published .
4 The material they contain is present in New OED entries , which are considered to be new versions of the corresponding entries from the OED .
5 However , it is interesting that these types of ANCAs were found at all , since they are considered to be reliable markers of primary systemic vasculitis .
6 Several of the sites recognized can be considered to be divergent forms of the consensus sequence which is recognized by Vmw175 .
7 Characteristics which were found to be statistically significant in their relation to manufacturing employment change were deemed to be contributory causes of it .
8 Parliament , recognising the danger — perhaps more to respect for the law than to press freedom — changed the law , so that now the very fact of a conviction is deemed to be conclusive evidence of its correctness .
9 Only exceptional damp , unusual cold , excessive rot , and decrepitude to the point of collapse are felt to be legitimate subjects of discussion .
10 Whether he would have been able to stick to it if he had ever risen to be national leader of the Liberal Party is not certain .
11 Nevertheless , they could be said to be implicit justifications of an almost fully formulated nature , in that they provide reasons for the existence of the monarchy and its ceremonial occasions .
12 Two are highly valued , namely lidya ( shy , timid , ashamed ) and höntugen ( frightened , fearful ) , and can be said to be integral aspects of the Chewong person ( Howell 1988 ) .
13 The Vedas are said to be direct renderings of the structure of the universe , ‘ the Universe 's DNA ’ .
14 Moreover , the ideological shifts that did occur can be seen to be consistent outgrowths of earlier party positions ; they did not represent , as contemporary propagandists liked to suggest , an abandonment of previous principles .
15 The use of files imposed limitations on the types of valid and reliable data that could be obtained ; data analysed represented a compromise between these limitations and what were thought to be useful indicators of the manner or style of assessment and service delivery .
16 Therefore , they are thought to be important regulators of brain development ( reviewed in [ 12 ] ) .
17 Tamas had attempted to stand in the same constituency in the 1985 general election , but had been thwarted by what he had alleged to be communist manipulation of the candidate selection process [ see p. 33812-13 ] .
18 Where they have considered human reasons these have tended to be simplistic explanations of defence or relationships to field systems and land uses .
19 What little new fiction by youngish writers there has been has tended to be incestuous tales of fast-track living in the media boomtown of the Eighties : books sold and written in the Groucho Club bar .
20 Furthermore , PGE type compounds have been shown to be effective inhibitors of FMLP activated human neutrophils , making it even more unlikely that indomethacin induced inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase underlies the ability of indomethacin to attenuate FMLP induced chemiluminescence from neutrophils .
21 Wealth , beauty , and wit , are all shown to be insufficient means of securing affection and happiness .
22 The evidence presented is consistent with a standard single equation approach to asset demands as the level and growth of wealth together with expected relative returns are shown to be important determinants of the level of investment .
23 The activities of a fan become intelligible if we can interpret them as being instrumental in establishing him in a particular role , or if such activities can be shown to be acceptable demonstrations of character and worth among his peers .
24 When farmers and farm workers refer to the ‘ loss of community ’ in their village it is usually to this kind of change that they are implicitly referring , for there are bound to be changing patterns of sociability developing in the village to which they are unaccustomed or from which they feel excluded .
25 We are called to be righteous members of His kingdom , looking to our heavenly King , and being ready to proclaim the Good News by word and deed .
26 There is therefore a balance between the risks of not being vaccinated against certain diseases known to be prime causes of mental handicap , and having vaccinations which can themselves be harmful .
27 Baird et al have demonstrated cytokine expression in tissue from Dupuytren patients , and certain inflammatory cells are known to be potential sources of these intercellular signalling molecules .
28 There is known to be local production of the macrophage derived cytokines interleukin-1 ( IL-1 ) and tumour necrosis factor α ( TNF α ) , in inflammatory bowel disease , and these may be detected at raised concentrations in the serum in active disease .
29 Former headmen were known to be important organizers of the illicit trade in stolen cattle .
30 Oral and intragastric infusions of beer were found to be potent stimuli of gastric acid secretion , with a response of over 95% of that produced by pentagastrin .
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