Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [art] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any information which is relevant may have to be disclosed to the parties in respect of any court case .
2 The position as to confidentiality is even clearer in the case of stockbrokers who can not be contractually bound to disclose to their private clients inside information disclosed to the brokers in confidence by a company for which they also act .
3 As Brightman J said in United Sterling Corp Ltd v Felton and Mannion [ 1974 ] RPC 162 " This contractual obligation of fidelity … may prevent a skilled employee from giving his assistance to a competitor despite the fact that such assistance is provided by the employee in his own time and despite the fact that no information has been disclosed to the employees in confidence " .
4 Michael Caine stars as cat burglar Henry Clarke , a master jewel thief who has himself committed to a sanatorium for alcoholics to gain the confidence of a multi-millionaire .
5 Now that he was committed to a course of action he felt exhilarated .
6 She was committed to a course of action and was prepared to see it through .
7 In any case a government committed to a reduction in taxes on incomes would not welcome the substitution of LIT for domestic rates ( DOE/Welsh Office 1983a : 13 and 1986:23 ) .
8 I am delighted that the Association of British Insurers , an organisation committed to a reduction in car crime , has recently issued a video aimed at young males , particularly in the 12-to-16 age group .
9 Three of the schools had clearly used the project to identify , and provide a richer resource base for , curriculum areas already committed to a degree of RBL and/or subject departments with a history of library involvement and use .
10 Communists and socialists alike were committed to a strategy of co-operation aimed at combating reactionary government policies at home and stifling the threat of international fascism abroad .
11 The group is committed to a policy of recruitment and promotion on the basis of aptitude and ability without discrimination of any kind .
12 If the objective of a democratic legislature is to inform the public about issues , to let them know what pressure groups are saying and to allow the civil service to assess public reaction before rather than after the government is committed to a line of action , then pressure groups should address Parliament .
13 The University is committed to a process of evaluation for both new and existing courses .
14 I give my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , South and Finsbury an undertaking that we are committed to a terminal at King 's Cross , but we are not necessarily committed to the expensive and grandiose project , which seems to depend on property values that were optimistic three or four years ago and are hopelessly pessimistic now .
15 Indeed , a system which has rules of adjudication is necessarily also committed to a rule of recognition of an elementary and imperfect sort .
16 Before a youth was apprenticed to the Sechem he was committed to a number of years of study of the Yasa , memorising the codex in its entirety so that he was capable of relating his knowledge of the law to science .
17 We know that the Labour party is committed to an increase in child benefit and pensions , covered by its eight new or increased taxes , a point that has featured in the debate .
18 A government committed to the principles of choice , ownership , responsibility and opportunity ; committed to low inflation and low taxes ; committed to better quality and value in our public services ; committed to strong defences .
19 ‘ Having been brutally denied her rightful place to be an elected leader of her people , Aung San Suu Kyi remains courageously committed to the principles of freedom and democracy , ’ he said .
20 Our family were activists , totally committed to the struggle for freedom and justice .
21 The party 's popular front image , by contrast , captured the imagination of countless intellectuals wishing to be involved in a broad cultural movement committed to the struggle against fascism .
22 Management appeared to regret this , to some extent at least because they themselves were master craftsmen and committed to the notion of craft skill .
23 But the government is committed to the notion of care by the community and wants families to take on greater responsibilities .
24 The wife , dependent on her husband 's increasing earnings , is committed to the work of home-making for him and their children .
25 The available armed forces were expected to be fully committed to the defence of Italy in the first two years of a war .
26 The Government is committed to the philosophy of privatisation , and the policy grinds relentlessly on .
27 This can be particularly true with ageing counsellees , who enjoy the company offered to them through counselling , and who perhaps are not committed to the idea of change ‘ at their age ’ .
28 Nizan was evidently committed to the idea of literature as a high moral adventure played out between reader and writer .
29 His interest in zoology was lifelong : he later refused the chair of zoology in a South African university only because he felt committed to the preservation of Corsham .
30 Is the United Kingdom financially committed to the policies of cohesion and convergence ?
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