Example sentences of "[vb pp] that he [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The demanding business of running for the presidency had shown Carter to be an exceptionally energetic , ambitious and intelligent politician and it was to be expected that he would want to be an activist in the White House — a president who left his mark and fulfilled the commitments he had entered into during the campaign .
2 The Ambassador had responded that he would go to the top and make representations to President Ceauŝescu himself .
3 But my present belief is that if Profumo had come to me for advice ( and my advice , of course , would only have made sense if one postulates that Profumo would have told me the truth ) , I would have recommended that he should throw in the towel ; assert that he had no intention of allowing his private life to be discussed in public ; apologise to the Prime Minister for the embarrassment he had caused both to him and to the party , and withdraw rapidly .
4 Another friend of mine , a man who spent most of his adult life looking after his elderly parents until they both died within a year of each other , came home from work one evening and suddenly realised that he could go to the cinema and have a meal out without worrying about anyone else .
5 Giles , who was working for British Midland Airways at Birmingham Airport had ingeniously calculated that he could hop on an early flight to Heathrow and meet up with us in London .
6 Of such undertakings all that can be predicated is that some breaches will and others will not , give rise to an event which will deprive the party not in default of substantially the whole benefit which it was intended that he should obtain from the contract ; and the legal consequences of a breach of such an undertaking , unless provided for expressly in the contract , depend upon the nature of the event to which the breach gives rise and do not follow automatically from a prior classification of the undertaking as a " condition " or a " warranty " .
7 The SSC 's director , Roy Schwitters , has decided that he can do without the participation of Samuel Ting , from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , who wanted to develop one of the two huge experiments that will make use of the machine .
8 He was offered constituencies ; it was taken for granted that he would stand for Parliament in the first post-war elections .
9 In his letter announcing the betrothal , João had said that he would come to Ireland in the summer in order to take Sara back to Lisbon before the autumn storms , so her expectation of his arrival mounted with each passing day .
10 It is truly said that he can go to bed at night with a clear sky as far as Home Affairs are concerned and wake up the next morning with a major crisis on his hands .
11 Some early critics of Wordsworth 's ‘ simple ’ style thought that he was stupid and incompetent ; but we have already seen that he could write with due regard to eighteenth-century decorum .
12 Anaeas is in love with Dido but is told that he must leave in order to save trial .
13 We are told that he could pray in both Frankish and Latin , which was of course the official church language , although this reflects his facility with languages in general rather than any excess of devotion .
14 Hamish Kidd — previously with Heidrick and Struggles — was introduced to them in 1978 , and it was agreed that he would work with them for a year with the aim of establishing that a sale could be arranged .
15 It was agreed that he might return to work from the hospital when he felt better able to cope .
16 One of its shareholders had been allowed to run up substantial debts to the company resulting from trading between him and the company and it had been agreed that he could repay by instalments .
17 He had let it be known that he would resign as faction leader and as a member of the Diet if he was publicly prosecuted in connection with the Sagawa Kyubin scandal .
18 When he was about thirteen or fourteen he decided he would like to take classes provided that he could go to private lessons .
19 But it was soon settled that he would stay at home only till Ruari was better .
20 She supposed some small part of her had hoped that he would come after her .
21 ‘ A European ’ , Temple wrote , ‘ can not exert a personal influence on the characters of more than one hundred to two hundred natives ’ ; but if he concentrated on ‘ guiding and controlling the native leaders ’ , then his influence would be ‘ magnified by a natural process a thousand fold ’ and the result would be that : ‘ The power thus exerted is infinitely greater in scope than any power or influence which it can be hoped that he will exert under the … system of Direct Rule . ’
22 During one of my trips to the USA in the 1960s , Shaheen telephoned my hotel one day to say that he had arranged for me to have lunch with Richard Nixon , who at the time had not yet declared that he would run for the presidency in the election of 1968 .
23 If Labour loses the general election , he wrote on Sunday , Neil Kinnock has already indicated that he 'll retire to the leek trenches of Islwyn .
24 On May 5 Mujjaddedi , who had already indicated that he might remain as interim president for longer than the specified two months , appointed a Cabinet ( most members in an acting capacity ) in a move regarded by some commentators as a violation of the Peshawar Accord .
25 In the face of growing public pressure , however , Gates , who had been temporarily suspended in the immediate aftermath of the March 3 incident , finally announced that he would retire in April 1992 , provided that a replacement had been found .
26 He was assured that he would hear in a few days .
27 She could n't be foolish enough to ignore the fact that he had already stated that he would go to any lengths to protect it .
28 Mr Edwards has stated that he will live in Bacon 's house and studio for the remainder of his lifetime , then leave them to the nation .
29 When it was suggested that he would go to the tough Gordonstoun school , she put her foot down .
30 He was advised by his teacher to choose the latter and it was suggested that he should go to Oxford and read chemistry .
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