Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [art] [noun sg] to be " in BNC.

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1 We propose that the attainment targets , the associated statements of attainment at each level and the ranges of levels appropriate to each of key stages 2 to 4 should be included in the Order to be made under section 4(2) ( a ) of the Act .
2 Details of what is included in the rate to be charged to the tour operators , such as meals , beverages and gratuities , will have been discussed and finalised between the tour operator and the hotel before confirmation of the reservation .
3 The findings of the research will be presented in various academic and non-academic publications and written in a manner to be relevant to those engaged in executive and occupational re-training .
4 A year was allowed to elapse to allow time for the recommendations made in the report to be put into effect .
5 He was said in the article to be a campaigner in Preston who was being paid by local Tory politicians to investigate Oyston .
6 The limit of the inquiry must be whether the magistrates have jurisdiction , supposing the facts alleged in the information to be true .
7 American ( and , to a lesser extent , British ) criticism has tended in the past to be less hierarchical than Italian and at the same time more alert to very minute differences in the type of product and the type of consumer being aimed at by the literary market .
8 Archaeologists have tended in the past to be mesmerized by the presence of walls and regard them as enclosing the only areas worthy of study .
9 In general , the baby 's wishes had tended in the past to be suspect , and the mother had been expected to look for some non-permissible motive behind them , in the form either of dangerous ( probably erotic ) impulses or of a rebellious determination to dominate the mother-in either case , constant control of the child was called for , and only the baby who had submitted himself completely to the mother 's control could be called a good baby .
10 However , national approval has tended in the past to be given without much discussion , in large part because the number of aspirants for candidatures has not been great : the party has often had to adopt whoever was willing to stand .
11 Governments have tended in the main to be more interested in macro-rather than micro- ( individual programme ) problems .
12 These areas are predominantly used to rear hardy beef cattle and sheep which are sold in the autumn to be finished elsewhere .
13 The random haemoglobin A 1 value was a continuous variable , which was shown in a histogram to be approximately normally distributed .
14 This is the method used in the project to be described in this article .
15 At the same time , it is evident that the bulk of the money needed to pay for urban defence had to be raised locally , although , from 1367 onwards , the king of France often allowed a quarter of the value of royal taxes raised in a town to be retained as a contribution towards it .
16 For the road transfer to the docks , wing tips were removed and deposited in the cockpit to be re-installed after the Wasp sailed .
17 My Lords , for the reasons given in the speech to be delivered by my noble and learned friend , Lord Slynn of Hadley , which I have had the opportunity of reading in draft and with which I agree , I would dismiss this appeal .
18 But times , morals and attitudes had changed radically since 1922 ( the Indianapolis Star also got the year wrong ) when Wally Reid , the ‘ King of Paramount ’ , was placed in a sanatorium to be treated for drug abuse .
19 The increasing determination among marketers to develop pan-European strategies is underlined in a report to be unveiled this week by agency network Euro RSCG .
20 The tuners are Jackson-stamped Gotohs and have proved in the past to be man enough for the job , relegated as they are to being mere anchor points for the strings , taking into account the Floyd Rose licensed tremolo employed here .
21 To label and discuss — or suppress — this feature of the fabliaux as " obscenity " has proved in the past to be unproductive , and it is perhaps better to talk instead of " marked terms " : colloquial and familiar terms for parts of the body or basic bodily acts which are labelled to varying degrees as vulgar and indecent , and not , normally , to be admitted into serious , careful or respectable discourse .
22 It is a matter of normal practice in the natural sciences for the human judgement involved in a measurement to be only indirectly related to the variable property which is the primary focus of interest .
23 The charges and exchange rates should be visible from outside the bureau and then detailed in a receipt to be given to the customer after the transaction .
24 Its control structure is , at the time of writing , depth-first , but planned enhancements will allow the problems discussed in the paper to be tackled , resulting in the development of a powerful and widely applicable natural processor .
25 To superintend the threshers that they get all the grain out , stubble to be left in the ground to be ploughed , except what is wanted for thatching .
26 Egyptian non-alignment and its receipt of arms from Czechoslovakia was taken in the West to be dangerously pro-Soviet , and Britain and the United States expressed their disapproval by withdrawing their offer of substantial economic aid .
27 Concern about Scottish Office proposals to define the powers in legislation has been expressed in a report to be discussed by COSLA 's economic affairs committee in Edinburgh on Friday .
28 Such an order has inheritance tax advantages ( if dissolution of the marriage has taken place ) , a saving in the HM Land Registry fees is available ( see Chapter 3 and generally ) and , as any financial provision can be expressed in the order to be in full and final settlement of the wife 's claims ( see Chapter 11 ) , it is less likely to be upset than an agreement between the parties not carried into a " consent order " ( see for instance Dinch v Dinch [ 1987 ] 1 WLR 252 where the court refused to make a further order on the grounds that the consent order had conclusively determined the rights of the parties in the matrimonial home ) .
29 Section 49(1) of the SGA in general makes the passing of property a precondition for suing for the price , but s 49(2) permits an express provision of this type , provided that the price is stated in the contract to be due on a " date certain " .
30 That could be erm manifested in an inability to be assertive in an adult in adult life .
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