Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [adj] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If the two novels were to be recast in late post-Freudian terms it would be clear how completely our attitudes have changed towards amatory and social matters : it is difficult to read the Ruritanian stones now in the way Anthony Hope 's first readers did and not to dismiss them as mere escapist romances .
2 In a large blinded study done in two independent laboratories we confirmed the presence of perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies by the indirect immunofluorescence test in 79% of ulcerative colitis patients whereas only 13% of Crohn 's disease patients and 9% of the control group were positive ( means from two laboratories ) .
3 The Halifax 's strategic approach is most clearly shown in two big steps it did not take .
4 Well as it 's used in other muckier places I tend not to use it over cleaning table white cloths aah
5 Kenco smooth , rich-tasting coffee and superb aroma has always been a great favourite , but now Kenco Single Grind has gone one better — it can be used in any coffee-making system you choose .
6 Yet once they have collaborated in this verbal insincerity they reveal an extent of human viciousness no one could have expected .
7 Repeated notes , both in groups of twos and threes , are a characteristic feature of horn writing , and though passages requiring considerable agility are to be found in most modern scores they are usually well and safely doubled by other instruments , as they are apt to sound woolly and ill-defined in shape if left to the horns alone .
8 Now if this contaminated fish is eaten in large enough quantities it can cause symptoms of Minimata disease .
9 Because I know the scouts do the Tesco one and whenever they are put in these cardboard boxes they have to be sorted so somebody must sort them .
10 When she became engrossed in some new work he made her preoccupation an excuse for drawing away from her .
11 Expressed in these general terms it is easy to see how such a code of rights could be regarded as a " good thing " .
12 Covered in sharp angled corners it feels as if the slightest pressure would collapse it .
13 … You use the same phrase in a new context and embedded in that new context it acquires a completely different meaning .
14 So er when schemes by the good service of actuaries can be re-written in such extreme terms I begin to worry about it and I think it needs an input for more than one direction on the actuarial fund in our case the trustees saw fit not to use actuaries to get away
15 ‘ If the race had been held in any other country I probably would not have gone , but I love racing in Japan .
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