Example sentences of "[vb past] out [prep] a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Thus reform often petered out in a rearrangement of government offices — a persistent feature of Spanish administrative history — which failed to eradicate the inherited vices of a paper-loving bureaucracy ; the navy , for example , remained a ground-based pasture for underpaid civil servants to browse on , a defect that had costly results at Trafalgar .
2 But there it petered out in a welter of bloody , confused fighting .
3 It should be noted , however , that there are only two miracles where it states that Jesus healed out of a sense of compassion or pity ( Mark 1:41 ; Luke 7:13 ) .
4 And when I found out after a bit of dressing-room chat what the other lads were on I had to make a point .
5 He accepted the devotion of a prostitute who anointed his feet with costly perfume , and he dined out on a number of occasions with tax collectors and sinners , who represented the social outcasts — the ‘ untouchables ’ of the day .
6 Rich roared out of a conflagration of overlapping , overspilling , competing and confusing flailing emotions in which little was as it seemed .
7 The punt sailed out across a stretch of the cistern which was as calm as a pond .
8 When I came out of a nightmare of pain it was to a swirling world of night , and a storm .
9 At once regretting that she had let herself become riled , she delved into her bag and came out with a bar of soap .
10 The maid had cleared away , and now she came out with a jug of wine and two glasses .
11 Thomas and Znaniecki 's study was very carefully reviewed by Blumer in 1949 and he came out with a number of general criticisms of the research in which the authors used letters , a wide variety of documents and Wladek 's autobiography as data to illustrate their theoretical propositions .
12 At the top they came out into a kind of clearing .
13 He often came out as a bit of a bighead and , accused of this at the time , took a tape-measure and agreed that his head had indeed expanded by one-eighth of an inch since leaving Wales .
14 I came out as a result of sexual frustration and a desire to be honest with myself .
15 I know some young women rightly feel that they came out as a result of their own strength — and of course many of them do come out without any youth work involvement .
16 The legislation that came out as a result of that then was absolutely sure , you know that it was copper bottom insurances given given that er legislation would prevent accidents of that nature again .
17 The purpose of this wing was to test aircraft that came out after a form of garage servicing ; this was before the garage system introduced by Bennett in the earlier days of Pathfinding at RAF Wyton .
18 One hand came out in a kind of claw and swiped at Quigley .
19 After his initial gaffe that McQueen should own books , Johnson opened out to a man of culture , a man who understood his own problems and who had thought a way through them to a solution , however sad emigration might prove .
20 Thus , when Hitler landed at Danzig 's Saspe airfield on a whistle-stop tour of the east for his 1932 election campaign , the entire Danzig SA , along with a uniformed company of the local police force , turned out as a guard of honour .
21 There was a full page article announcing Darwinism is dead , which turned out as a matter of fact to be a reprint of an article which had appeared some months earlier in the Sunday Times of this country , erm which in fact was based very largely on some work by a young man called Steele , which none of us , I think , believed at the time , and which was since turned out clearly to have been mistaken .
22 If one man would pay generously to become Nawab , then so would another , and the attraction of gifts paid out upon a change of ruler led to the deposition of three Nawabs in rapid succession , which reduced the position to one which was obviously that of a puppet of the Company .
23 Aye , the production may have been poor , but the crude gameplay shone out like a beacon of hope for us downtrodden folk .
24 It had a plain smooth bodice to the hips , then flared out in a lot of little points , like petals .
25 In Belfast on Sept. 9 the Rev. Ian Paisley , the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party ( DUP ) , walked out of a session of the so-called " strand two " of the inter-party round-table talks on the future of Northern Ireland .
26 The minority group walked out after a week of bitter exchanges generated by a charge from Mr Reynolds that Progressive Democrat leader and former minister Des O'Malley had been dishonest .
27 He glanced out at a gang of starlings fighting over some breadcrumbs that had been tossed on the lawn .
28 It stuck out of a patch of sand , jutting at a steep angle , about a metre and a half of it exposed .
29 Having finished his dinner the candidate retired to the spick and span little room no bigger than a cubbyhole they had placed at his disposal and , when he had put his thoughts and his speeches in good order , stepped out for a breath of air , a short stroll which led him — as he had known it would — to the newly painted door of Odette Adeane .
30 He stepped out into a circle of gravel .
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