Example sentences of "[vb past] been [v-ing] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It jolted me into making the decision to quit , but I 'd been moving that way for a long time .
2 So after they 'd been using this stuff with no windows open or anything , one of the workmen began to feel a little bit groggy so he said to his mate and open the back door Charlie , will you , I 'm feeling a bit groggy .
3 He 'd been expecting tight security at the entrance , but in the event the gates were open and unmanned , and a passing employee directed him along a concrete road leading to the garage where a man in blue overalls was washing one of the Fiat saloons .
4 We 'd been expecting this news for so long that we were scarcely able to take it in , in fact we were fairly incredulous .
5 ‘ We 'd been seeing each other for a year when he suggested we should move in together .
6 But lately he 'd been concealing this whiff with his favourite aftershave , Rampage .
7 How would you feel if you 'd been paying this money for ten years and then you lived , you lived after than , and you got nothing for it basically .
8 ‘ I 'd been growing that beard for 10 years and had grown quite accustomed to it , ’ says the now clean shaven Chris .
9 Obviously he 'd been doing some kind of a finance deal ; setting up a takeover ; and he 'd lifted some off the top for himself . ’
10 anyway their Bev 's husband he 'd been doing some work plus some money they dropped on these spindles , so she was telling me
11 Are there any naked nuns in the film ? ’ — with cool , defiant charm , while George Harrison , who 'd been doing this sort of thing since his Beatle days , kept the whole thing on an even keel with his Liverpudlian wit and wisdom .
12 ‘ From the expression on Rik 's face , you would think he 'd been doing this sort of stuff all his life , ’ Gerald says .
13 I suspect she 'd been following that fool of a carrier . ’
14 Certainly nobody had been taking any notice of this one — but then , had n't he been playing very badly , anyway ?
15 Erm which would give you some contact with erm , er you know people who 'd er er just come out of prison or , or you know had been serving some sort of sentence or other , you know , maybe not a custodial one or something .
16 Weir had been piling one office upon another , and had recently added to his collection that of sheriff-substitute in the Nether-ward of Lanarkshire , although , as his friend Andrew Gardner urgently pointed out to the duke , this was a precarious place which was held only during the pleasure of the sheriff-depute of Lanarkshire .
17 In a report on Hrawi 's tour on June 10 , the ( Phalangist ) Voice of Lebanon radio stated that the President had been seeking Arab support for the implementation of the October 1989 Taif Accord for Lebanese national reconciliation [ see p. 36986 ] .
18 It is understood that the deal had been held up by the Bank of England which had been seeking some form of ‘ comfort ’ from Bank of Edinburgh 's largest minority shareholder , Scottish Amicable , with 39.2 per cent , effectively asking it to stand behind depositors and take a more active role .
19 A few days before the broadcast I had been counselling one man in his early twenties who would also have issued the same warning .
20 Lutyens had been using classical detail in some form or other since his earliest years as an architect .
21 The Belgrade-based news agency Tanjug quoted Serb forces as saying Muslims had been using heavy artillery to bombard Serb positions in the Bratunac region of eastern Bosnia .
22 Durrant , such an influence when they overcame Leeds in the previous round , had been struggling all night as the makeshift partner for Mark Hateley , in the absence of the injured Ally McCoist .
23 He had been drinking all day with Slatter on 3 April , they had consumed some fourteen or fifteen quarts of ale , they had entered the Chequers , where they had been involved in an argument with two large men he now knew to be Hewett and Charlton .
24 Then Corporal Auriega , a fat Spaniard who sweated all the time , arrived back from town where he had been drinking all evening with his friends .
25 I suppose , poor woman , she had been repeating this phrase for days on end to hundreds of us on our way out , and she would obviously have preferred us all to disappear down a big hole and relieve her of the tedium of wearing out her voice .
26 This was prompted by reports that the two governments had been providing logistic support for UNITA — South African Foreign Minister Roelof " Pik " Botha , hitherto a negotiator in the conflict [ see p. 39129 ] , had been declared persona non grata on Nov. 6 , apparently in response to these reports .
27 Glass had been earning some money by transcribing Ravi Shankar 's score for the film , Chappacqua .
28 She had been imagining this meeting for some time .
29 She 'd found her way to Charlie through another of the contact magazines , back in the days when his wife had been handling that end of the business ; she 'd had to send along a photograph and that had gone a little against the grain — in all of her moonlighting so far , she 'd never let slip so much as her name — but everything had worked out well .
30 If I had been fishing that section of the drain from the other bank , as I usually do , that would have been one of the swims where I would have expected to get a run or two .
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