Example sentences of "[vb past] been [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As soon as Moby was too old for puppy classes , he went to the bigger-dog classes , run by Jenny , to reinforce what he 'd been taught at puppy classes and , most importantly , what he 'd learned at home .
2 Huge marquees had been erected on steel frames .
3 THE United Nations said that 20 Brazilian and 50 Russian workers had been kidnapped by opposition soldiers in eastern Angola , where they were working on a Congo River dam project .
4 Most of the lines had been built by property speculators , who once they had sold their land for housing , had no further interest in running trams .
5 While today 's soul singers tend to reflect the mores of a new black middle class , their erstwhile role — as an authentic voice or urban black experience — had been filled by rap artists .
6 This had been documented in health studies , and is the daily experience of any worker with travellers on unauthorised sites .
7 During Debré 's premiership , these councils had been limited to defence issues , Algeria , and African affairs .
8 Early holiday camps had been influenced by welfare considerations , educational ideals , political dreams of the collective subject , and the Social Darwinist spirit applied to the outdoor life .
9 In this case , Valerie Way , who had been engaged in home/school links work , was widely tipped as the ‘ hot favourite ’ for the post .
10 They arrived , collapsing from fatigue , only to be cursed by comrades , desperate from hunger and thirst , on finding that the flasks of precious pinard had been punctured by shell fragments , the bread caked with filth .
11 With the family adamantly opposed to the match , Raine and Johnnie married quietly at Caxton Hall register office on July 14 , 1977 , shortly after he had been named in divorce proceedings by the Earl of Dartmouth .
12 According to the Washington Post of Jan. 16 , 1990 , more than 800 people including university students had been sentenced to prison terms of up to 10 years for " counter-revolutionary crimes " , including such acts as putting up posters .
13 A similar group of NUFLVN guerrillas had been sentenced to prison terms in late 1987 [ see p. 35902 ] .
14 Two army officers had been sentenced to prison terms for an attack on unarmed demonstrators in Santiago Atitlán in December 1990 , when 16 were killed and 24 wounded [ see p. 37912 ] , and another army officer was awaiting trial for the murder in September 1990 of anthropologist Myrna Mack [ see p. 37707 ] .
15 Of a further 2,217 people who had been charged in court by March 12 , over half had been sentenced to prison terms .
16 The Trustees made a recommendation to that effect to the Bedfordshire LEA in 1930 which was accepted by the county 's Adult Education Subcommittee as the scheme ‘ had been conducted on sound lines , was distinctly encouraging , that the particular tutor-organiser was exactly the right person required ’ .
17 The whole regiment had been cut to emergency rations of a mere three meals a day , and those cold and rain soaked , eaten in miserable silence .
18 It allowed coal and steel production on the Continent to be managed more effectively without the need for a restrictive ‘ cartel ’ of businessmen , such as had been formed by steel producers in the inter-war years .
19 Houck had personally followed the histories of two reactors in Missouri ( Callaway ) and Kansas ( Wolf Creek ) which were prototypes for Hinkley C. Both had cost three times their original budget — $3 billion apiece — and had been plagued with teething problems in their first few years of operation .
20 Up to the end of November this year , 367 people had been charged with terrorist offences , including 37 with murder and 75 with attempted murder .
21 Mr Hamnett , of Hassocks , Sussex , said chocolate penises had been given as Christmas gifts by departmental secretaries during the lunch .
22 Prof Catford said two studies had been undertaken of family doctors ' attitudes to health promotion and their own health .
23 The budget debate had been delayed by opposition demands for an investigation into the government 's role in the various scandals .
24 She had been rejected by co-op boards and insulted by fashion arbiters .
25 ( The conference had been lobbied by gypsy delegations for their recognition as an ethnic minority . )
26 All the birds taken from the sanctuary had been fitted with microchip implants , which meant they could be clearly indentified when they were recovered .
27 The catalyst for the rioting was the decision by an all-white jury to acquit four officers of the Los Angeles Police Department ( LAPD ) on charges arising from the beating of Rodney King , a motorist who had been stopped for traffic violations .
28 They ignored temporary conversions from roughland to grass leys ( and vice versa ) and found that in the 30 years to 1980 in their 6 study areas , 15,000 hectares of rough pasture had reverted to roughland but 23,900 hectares of roughland had been converted to grass leys .
29 The split followed a particularly fractious session of the national congress , where the gulf between fundis and realos had been emphasized by policy differences on a wide variety of issues .
30 It was the second time the teacher-turned-comic had been hit by car vandals .
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