Example sentences of "[vb past] if [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He tried how he could bear it by putting his fingers into the lighted candle , so I the other day tried if I could scour a pewter plate .
2 Some of them use super P C K and some of them use Smart Drive and buggered if I can tell the difference .
3 I asked if we might photograph the chest in that setting for publicity purposes .
4 The treasurer asked if we could make an early start to the meetings eight P M prompt .
5 We also asked if we could get the same consultation period because they are breaking it up at the four sites and some sites will get thirty days ' notice others will get the ninety days .
6 ‘ Frank Worthington had been due one and he asked if we could have a joint game .
7 and Joan came over she came over about a week or so after , not , not much more than a week , and she sat there and she said oh well yeah I 'll have one of your , he asked if we 'd like a sweet , she said yeah I 'll have one dad .
8 One morning a carter and his son were delivering a load of firewood and Grandmother asked if they would like a slice of pudding before they left .
9 All I was told is that you 're getting twelve months guarantee , but you 've got to have a three thousand mile service , and as the gentleman said erm I recorded the deliveries and sent them all back and on the third one , when I took it in I asked if they 'd put a new set of points in for me and erm unfortunately when it came out there was no compression at all and because because I it was suggested that I dug my heels in a bit and got an independent report and erm basically they told me to get lost because it cost fifty pound to do the report .
10 She asked if they could explore the craft .
11 One day they asked if they could have an aquarium of their own .
12 A friend treated her to a pukkah drinks-dispensing butler who asked if he might make a personal remark before teetering off into the small hours .
13 The man who 'd taken a photograph of the bus asked if he might photograph the old people also , and the bus-driver told him to wait a minute .
14 Mr J Emslie asked if he might have the use of the hall for meetings in connection with the 1991 census .
15 ‘ You must be joking , ’ a Russian friend said when I asked if he would watch the May Day parade on television .
16 A hotel spokeswoman said : ‘ He booked in his family and we asked if he would do a turn . ’
17 I asked if he would swear a statement to this effect if it were necessary .
18 I asked if he would like a coffee , or to be taken home , but he could only shake his head .
19 He hummed and sounded quite at ease , so Fred asked if he would like the record .
20 Just to satisfy herself that he understood how it was he was able to build out of the vertical , the teacher asked if he could make a bent tower with wooden building blocks .
21 He came to our house and knocked on the door and asked if he could use the toilet , because it was a good way of getting in .
22 Duncan , seeing that there was no phone-extension in the room , asked if he could use the manager 's .
23 yeah , I 'm going to go back into my bedroom and Neil can still use the ensuite shower cos he 's got the tip of the idea that he 's got to come in clothed and knock on the door cos last time I was in my bedroom he asked if he could use the shower , situation he 'd you know , and I 'd let him after all , it 's not as though my be , there 's a door between my bedroom and the
24 Alain was fascinated by the scheme and when at last it became a reality , he asked if he could take an active part .
25 ’ Carco asked if he could buy a painting , ‘ The Standing Nude ’ , and Zbo was so overcome with emotion because Carco appreciated Modigliani that he refused to take any money for it .
26 He called at the Vicarage at about half past two and asked if he could see the church .
27 When I answered it , the hotel manager was there and he asked if he could have a discreet word with me .
28 After a short time he asked if he could have a whisky and soda , and when the ingredients were brought tried to pour a drink for the King .
29 He produced a full bottle of whisky from his briefcase , poured out three tumblerfuls , and asked if he could have the television on .
30 Another time , in a French lesson , when the word falaise ( cliff ) was being discussed , he jumped up and asked if he could illustrate the word by drawing a cliff on the blackboard .
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