Example sentences of "[vb past] been make [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Last year the ministry claimed it had made progress , only to find it had to revise its figures to reveal no progress had been made for five years .
2 Specialized apparatus , which formerly had been made for specific purposes in the laboratory where it was required , could be obtained from manufacturers of scientific instruments , saving much time and labour .
3 Places reserved ‘ But supporters of the scheme said provision had been made for disabled shoppers .
4 Mr Espin reported that bookings had been made for 22 adults and 26 children .
5 Thus much three-dimensional work was evident in the Art rooms a year later , homework had been given greater emphasis , a tentative start had been made to interdepartmental links with Craft and Needlecraft and the ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ Level courses were being revised .
6 Last-minute concessions had been made to disaffected groups to win their support .
7 The drawing-room was full of rugs that looked upsettingly as if they had been made from earlier Afghans .
8 The observations at Greenwich had been made by different observers at different times , using techniques that depended , to some degree , on the observer 's skill and expertise in his chosen technique .
9 JEWELLER Carol Darby could not suppress a smile when she heard that Princess Anne 's engagement and wedding rings had been made by royal jewellers Garrard .
10 A spokesperson for the controversial metal band last week declined to comment on reasons for the sudden axing of the tour , fuelling speculation that objections had been made by worried promoters .
11 The majority had no wish to stop work , particularly after the great strides which had been made in recent months , but they were n't going to be sat on either .
12 Apart from this type of building , attempts had been made in many countries to provide an adequate base for the circular section of the dome so that it could be set upon a square section building .
13 This method of examining the data has not been employed in the previous studies because no attempt had been made in those studies to be representative in the sampling of direction of turn at each junction ( see Table 4.2 ) .
14 This policy posed a general problem for the National WEA , which lacked a clear view on its partnership with other providers , and was an especially acute one for the District where important concessions had been made in earlier years to the Cambridge Board .
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