Example sentences of "[vb past] an [noun] [prep] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 There had been indications in late 1990 that the security forces faced an upsurge in demonstrations in protest at the transmigration of non-Timorese into East Timor [ see p. 37861 ] .
2 A recent study which used the western blotting technique also showed an antibody against granulocytes in similar patients .
3 Within the Eastern District , Berkhamsted branch ( Hertfordshire ) hung a banner proclaiming ‘ 1903-WEA-1953 ’ in the High Street for a week , using the hoardings protecting the new site of Woolworths , and also sold literature and distributed publicity from a stall in the marketplace ; Sprowston branch ( Norfolk ) arranged an exhibition of Victoriana in the village school , with local firms and libraries as well as members themselves lending material ; Peterborough branch held a garden party at the Bishop 's House , featuring addresses by Lady Simon , one of the WEA 's vice-presidents , and by Dr. Charles Morris , chairman of the National Foundation for Adult Education .
4 In conclusion , the Survey indicated that its results demanded an emphasis on improvements in practice management and that the service could be faster and more responsive to users ' needs .
5 The taxpayer company appealed against a corporation tax assessment in November 1983 , which represented an estimate of profits in the accounting period ending 25 September 1982 .
6 The agreement represented an improvement on conditions in the UK , where , although pregnant women qualified for 40 weeks ' maternity leave , only six weeks were at 90 per cent of salary and 12 weeks were at £46.30 a week , and they had to have worked for at least two years ( five if part-time ) .
7 When he had had his lunch , which he brought with him in the suitcase , a packet of salami sandwiches , a croissant with jam in it and a fruit-and-nut bar , he set off for West End Lane , to the Electricity Board and the Gas Board , to make inquiries about a chimney sweep , and put an advertisement for tenants in a newsagent 's window .
8 But finally he had an envelope of papers in one hand and his wallet in the other and Bruno was clutching a wad of Deutsch-marks and challenging Maxim with a twisted leer to say something about that .
9 Cases where both the correct word and one other candidate had an entry as headwords in the collocation dictionary ; or
10 About this time Zuwaya shaikhs and cadres attempted a reconciliation among Zuwaya sections : they held an assembly of shaikhs in Ajdabiya , including Zuwaya from Sebha and Tripolitania .
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