Example sentences of "[vb past] we [modal v] have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When the lease on the Old Bells came free I grabbed it , thinking whatever happened we 'd have a job and home . ’
2 As a matter of fact , I was talking to him briefly this afternoon and we agreed we 'd have a chat some time .
3 No we had a reasonably good dinner and , and we did n't want no tea when we come home , this could have been some of it cos all I had then when we did about seven o'clock when we decided we 'd have a bowl of soup , erm , we stuffed ourselves , we had toast and breakfast erm , we had one or two sweets in the hospital , er while we were waiting and then er , we went to Asda and then we got er
4 I did n't tell you because I knew we 'd have a scene like this and I do n't like it .
5 I knew we must have a store of old army-type blankets for use when patients ran temperatures yet their teeth chattered during bouts of fever — malarial or dengue .
6 I went there one Sunday , I thought we 'll have a meal but when I looked I said no chance !
7 I thought we might have a treat and drive into Siena . ’
8 Thought we might have a bit of sport , ’ he announced generally .
9 ‘ I thought we might have a word about the Gray affair and try to move things on a little in that area , ’ said Wheeler .
10 We thought we might have a chance .
11 We could n't sport the name of Dark or Phillips or Brown or Davies or any other Worcester paddler who went out to give their all but we thought we would have a go .
12 Right , word full stop word Erm right , press return a few times then choose centering button and table , insert table , and now we 're going to have a table whe where I thought we could have a number and it can either be times or divide by something and then the answer , so we want how many columns ?
13 But they look like I thought we 'd have a look through those , they look good !
14 Anyway , she went out to get some text books , so there was a few of us who thought we 'd have a bit of a laugh , do something to catch her out .
15 ‘ We ca n't really say we saw something suspicious , so we climbed in the back window , and then we just thought we 'd have a dinner-party while we were here .
16 So this week I thought we 'd have a go at making a miniature garden , which you can grow in your bedroom .
17 ’ We wrote the single after moving into a little village and seeing all the people driving to their office jobs and we thought we 'd have a go at them ’
18 Thought we 'd have a reading session so we had a reading book and we had some maths .
19 So I said wonder if they 've got that headboard for Ken , you know I did n't know he had one I said we 'll have a look and see how much they are .
20 He said we 'll have a lump sum .
21 My mum and I voted my dad out and we said we 'll have a record player .
22 I said we 'll have a barrel of Guinness ready by six okay no probs .
23 So , because we were in the A A he said you could have a ba , and we had to go to court , we had a summons for court , for careless driving , your dad and your dad said oh so A A said you could have barrister , or our insurers said we could have a barrister our insurers , not the one with we 're with now Norman , he was to do all the , said we could have this barrister and it was at Liverpool Crown Court and , it was n't till a , and I was alright we we just got a bit of a shock , you know , we could drive the home it was the wing and what not .
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