Example sentences of "[vb past] not [vb infin] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He did not want her to think he was gloating .
2 Liz was prepared to allow the therapist to talk to her parents , but she did not want her to tell them about her problems concerning the shop , preferring to discuss these with them herself .
3 I did not want him to see me .
4 She did not want him to hold her again .
5 So I came out immediately , as I did not want him to pull me out .
6 She had stolen many a glance at him since yesterday to see if perhaps there was anything that might show , but it was difficult , she did not want him to feel he was under examination , and anyway today the tired look was gone .
7 Perhaps because he did not want somebody to see him .
8 But he did not want them to follow him under any false delusion .
9 I did not want anyone to think I was a Yahoo , so I tried to make it clear that my habits were very different from theirs .
10 I decided to try to ignore it as I did not want anything to distract me from my purpose .
11 This was largely because the Dutch were conscious that they were operating on a narrow margin , and they did not want anything to distract them from their main purpose , which was to bring goods for trade and re-export to their great complex of ports , banks , and merchant houses around Amsterdam .
12 He did not want anybody to see him .
13 Odd-Knut — whose English was good enough to know that he did not want us to call him ‘ Odd ’ — suggested that he could leave us near the Finnish border and we could ski or walk the last bit .
14 I realized that Hindley did not care what conditions he lived in , and Joseph clearly spent more time praying than cleaning .
15 They loved one another and did not care who knew it .
16 If Foley were a traitor , he did not care who knew it , it would seem .
17 ‘ British soldiers are the best in the world , ’ a schoolmaster told his class , adding , for the benefit of the Kindertransporte pupils , ‘ You people did not think we had it in us . ’
18 She did not think he noticed her .
19 But it did not move him to pity her .
20 My dad always used to say that we could not afford lunch , although , I have to say , this did not stop him eating it .
21 There was no way the police could hold Philip Drew , but this did not stop them following him .
22 Her garden was a source of great pleasure and she was very proud of her wonderful displays of Pelargonuims — she did not like you to call them geraniums !
23 Her educational budget did not allow her to expand it or to make significant innovative changes .
24 As she stood there , heart racing , just for a moment Lisa did not trust herself to answer him .
25 We did not let them put us down easily .
26 and the furry monster was there and the church bells rang unceasingly , my muse was red with righteous anger , o my love , and her hound barked at the furry monster and her frankfurter but i did not let them see me for worshipping in silence is the artist 's choice , that is the way for growth .
27 If they did not let her see him until they both appeared before the prince , what wild errors might he not commit in his insecurity ?
28 Branson did not need them to tell him the damage that could be done to the airline 's reputation by a story appearing about engine failure on the day before the inaugural flight .
29 James Harris , writing in 1751 , saw that ‘ all Conversation passes between Particulars or Individuals ’ , and argued that when , at the formative stages of human language , a speaker met another whose name he did not know he addressed him by using ‘ , that is , Pointing , or Indication by the Finger or Hand , some traces of which are still to be observed as a part of that Action which naturally attends our speaking ’ .
30 He assured Helen , ‘ I did not know I loved you so tenderly until this trial , sweetheart ’ .
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