Example sentences of "[vb past] not [be] [vb pp] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Again , the vast majority , 77 per cent , felt that their work effort had not been affected by taxation rates ; 13.1 per cent reported disincentive effects and 10.1 per cent reported the opposite .
2 The point he seems to have missed is that even if the BBC had not been outbid by Sky for coverage , it was , I think , unlikely that we would have seen ( a ) ball-by-ball-by-ball coverage ( not highlights ) during social hours on the following day .
3 Prost has to finish four points ahead of Lauda to be champion ( having more victories ; it would have been three if Monaco had not been curtailed by rain , but then , if rain had not fallen , Prost would not have won in Monaco ) .
4 This would have remained the impression if Scriven had not been followed by Dr David Fowler of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology ( ITE ) .
5 On Oct. 3 , however , the head of the Iranian committee in charge of Iraqi PoWs , Ali Nazaran , announced that " the unilateral release of prisoners by Iran had been stopped " because Iran 's example had not been followed by Iraq .
6 If rats , traditionally used for studies on urine flow , had not been replaced by dogs , just because larger animals were needed , the new drug , chlorothiazide , would have been missed , since its activity in rats is insignificant .
7 Perelandra shows that even on the mythopoeic level this most difficult of doctrines had not been absorbed by Lewis .
8 So Protestant opinions had not been silenced by Arran 's change of heart after the initial heady days of 1543 ; and the Rough Wooing had not broken the link between the English and the hopes of Scottish Protestants .
9 Held , dismissing the appeal , that although an adult patient was entitled to refuse consent to treatment irrespective of the wisdom of his decision , for such a refusal to be effective his doctors had to be satisfied that at the time of his refusal his capacity to decide had not been diminished by illness or medication or by false assumptions or misinformation , that his will had not been overborne by another 's influence and that his decision had been directed to the situation in which it had become relevant ; that where a patient 's refusal was not effective the doctors were free to treat him in accordance with their clinical judgment of his best interests ; that in all the circumstances , including T. 's mental and physical state when she signed the form , the pressure exerted on her by her mother and the misleading response to her inquiry as to alternative treatment , her refusal was not effective and the doctors were justified in treating her on the principle of necessity ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's order had been properly made ( post , pp. 786G–H , 795B–F , 796F–H , 797B–F , 798A–B , E–G , 799B–G , H — 800B , E–G , 803C–D , F — 804B , F–G , H — 805B , F ) .
10 On Jan. 16 the Central Commission on the Population and House Census announced the continuation of the census in areas where it had not been completed by Jan. 14 .
11 The small region , with its coal and steel resources , had not been treated by France as part of its zone of occupation after 1945 .
12 It was different from the Christian story in being about a race which had not been punished by death , rather by weariness of life ( see especially Letters , p. 236 ) .
13 I was allowed to talk with her and the patients , those who could , whose faces had not been obliterated by burns .
14 After talks in Moscow on Nov. 7 the Greek and Russian Foreign Ministers , Michalis Papaconstantinou and Andrei Kozyrev respectively , initialled a bilateral agreement on friendship and co-operation which had been signed between Greece and the former Soviet Union but had not been ratified by Russia .
15 The left-wing news magazine Análisis , in a special report a week after the reburial , claimed that the examination of Allende 's body after it was exhumed on Aug. 14 had substantiated eyewitness claims that he had committed suicide , and had not been shot by soldiers .
16 In early April the French commercial satellite firm Spot Image provided apparent photographic proof that the controversial chemical plant at Rabta , 80 km south-west of the capital , Tripoli had not been destroyed by fire on Mar. 15 as claimed by the Libyan and United States governments [ see p. 37333 ] .
17 In many previous cases the government 's encouragement to the Society to organize research projects had not been matched by funding ; Kempe strove to remedy this .
18 The government 's promise in its 1991 budget to abolish the restrictions on foreign ownership of Swedish shares had not been realized by mid-year .
19 Detectives involved in the murder inquiry had not been fooled by Green 's charade of wanting to help them — he had even appeared on TV with a tearful plea for aid in finding the killer .
20 In five of these seven , the stones were also found by ultrasonagraphy but in two , recurrences were identified by oral cholecystectography , which had not been detected by echography .
21 Williams , certain that he had not been detected by Tawell , returned to his office , confident that Tawell had retired for the night .
22 Liza appeared not merely to be uninterested in her child , but positively to reject the dark-haired , red-faced bundle who Harriet felt more certain than ever had not been fathered by John Carrow .
23 An erstwhile guerrilla in the campaign against Portuguese rule in mainland Guinea-Bissau , his regime had not been tarnished by corruption or human rights abuses .
24 If only Clive Rice had not been dropped by South Africa , maybe I could have persuaded the England selectors to give me a chance …
25 He also suspected that Sir Thomas Springall had not been murdered by Brampton .
26 And what was worrying was that the ploy had not been triggered by dislike .
27 I think she must have thought that Miss Moberley and Miss Jourdain , temporarily living in the year 1789 , had not been impeded by walls built after that date ; but I am sure she must have misread her map .
28 If the text is accurate , it would seem to indicate that the three kadiliks of Istanbul , Bursa and Edirne were all originally registered as 300-akce kadiliks and that their registration had not been changed by Hezarfen 's time , although all three outranked Damascus and Aleppo at least until the eighteenth century .
29 It does complain that the tabloids put the fear of tax increases into readers who had not been targeted by Smith 's budget .
30 Such factual situations had not been considered by Lord Templeman who had been dealing with only one occupant .
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